For a monopolist marginal revenue is? (2024)

Asked by: Elva Legros

Score: 4.5/5 (18 votes)

For a monopolist, marginal revenue is less than price. a. Because the monopolist must lower the price on all units in order to sell additional units, marginal revenue is less than price. ... Because marginal revenue is less than price, the marginal revenue curve will lie below the demand curve.

Is marginal revenue less than price for a monopolist?

While competitive firms experience marginal revenue that is equal to price – represented graphically by a horizontal line – monopolies have downward-sloping marginal revenue curves that are different than the good's price. For monopolies, marginal revenue is always less than price.

How is marginal revenue zero?

Companies will thus tend to increase production until marginal cost equals marginal product, which is when marginal profit equals zero. In other words, when marginal cost and marginal product (revenue) is zero, there's no additional profit earned for producing an added unit.

Is marginal revenue zero or negative?

Marginal revenue can be zero and can be negative as well, for a firm with some market power.

How do you find revenue from marginal revenue?

Revenue functions from Marginal revenue functions

  1. If R is the total revenue function when the output is x, then marginal revenue MR = dR/dx Integrating with respect to ' x ' we get.
  2. Revenue Function, R = ∫ ( MR ) dx + k.

43 related questions found

Why is marginal revenue below average revenue for a monopolist?

This is because the price remains constant over varying levels of output. In a monopoly, because the price changes as the quantity sold changes, marginal revenue diminishes with each additional unit and will always be equal to or less than average revenue.

Why marginal revenue is below price for a monopolist?

For a monopolist, marginal revenue is less than price. a. Because the monopolist must lower the price on all units in order to sell additional units, marginal revenue is less than price. ... Because marginal revenue is less than price, the marginal revenue curve will lie below the demand curve.

Why is marginal revenue below average revenue for a monopolist quizlet?

If a firm has market power, the marginal revenue curve always lies below the demand curve. ... a downward sloping demand curve. A monopolist's marginal revenue is less than price because. the monopolist must lower the price of all units in order to sell an additional unit.

When marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost the monopolist quizlet?

For a monopolist, profit maximization occurs at the output where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. Explanation: Profit maximization occurs when marginal revenue minus marginal cost is equal to zero. At this point, marginal revenue is adding the same to total revenue as marginal costs are reducing it.

Why marginal revenue for a monopolist declines as output increases?

If the monopolist continues to expand output, marginal revenue will decline. The additional revenue from selling one more unit will be less, and the reduction in price will be on larger numbers of units sold. ... If marginal revenue is less than marginal cost, then profits are decreasing as quantity increases.

Why is the marginal revenue curve of a monopolist downward sloping quizlet?

slopes down because of the law of diminishing marginal returns and because the monopolist must lower prices to sell additional units of the good. A firm hires labor in a perfectly competitive labor market. Its current​ profit-maximizing hourly output is 100​ units, which the firm sells at a price of ​$10 per unit.

What is MPL in economics?

The marginal product of labor (or MPL) refers to a company's increase in total production when one additional unit of labor is added (in most cases, one additional employee) and all other factors of production remain constant.

How do you calculate marginal revenue for a monopoly?

Marginal revenue indicates how much extra revenue a monopoly receives for selling an extra unit of output. It is found by dividing the change in total revenue by the change in the quantity of output.

What is a market monopoly?

A monopoly describes a market situation where one company owns all the market share and can control prices and output. A pure monopoly rarely occurs, but there are instances where companies own a large portion of the market share, and ant-trust laws apply.

Is marginal revenue the derivative of total revenue?

More formally, marginal revenue is equal to the change in total revenue over the change in quantity when the change in quantity is equal to one unit. ... Marginal revenue is the derivative of total revenue with respect to demand.

What is an average revenue?

Average revenue: This refers to the amount of money earned per individual unit or user. The average revenue is the total revenue amount divided by the quantity.

Can marginal revenue negative?

It is defined as addition to total revenue when one extra unit of a good or service is sold. Yes, MR can be negative depending on the elasticity of demand and it is shown below.

What is marginal revenue and marginal cost?

Marginal revenue is the amount of revenue one could gain from selling one additional unit. Marginal cost is the cost of selling one more unit. If marginal revenue were greater than marginal cost, then that would mean selling one more unit would bring in more revenue than it would cost.

What is marginal revenue quizlet?

Marginal Revenue. The additional income from selling one more unit of a good; sometimes equal to price. Marginal Product of Labor. The change in output from hiring one additional unit of labor.

What is marginal revenue formula?

Marginal revenue equals the sale price of an additional item sold. ... Below is the marginal revenue formula: Marginal Revenue = Change in Revenue / Change in Quantity.

What is APL and MPL?

Average Product of Labor (APL) equals Q/L while Marginal Product of Labor (MPL) equals the extra output gained by hiring one more unit of labor. The curves are to the right and look the way they do because of the law of diminishing returns. ... MPL = slope of TP curve.

What is MPK and MPL?

MPPL stands for the marginal physical product of labor and MPPK stands for the marginal physical product of capital. MPPL and MPPK both are referred to as the change in output due to a change in the unit of labor and capital, respectively.

What does MPL and MPK mean?

The marginal product of labor (MPL) is the additional output that gets produced as a result of the firm using an additional unit of labor. ... The marginal product of capital (MPK), on the other hand, is the additional output that gets produced as a result of the firm using an additional unit of capital.

What is the usual shape of a marginal revenue curve for a monopolist Why?

The marginal revenue curve for a monopolist is typically downward sloping. This is because even a monopoly can not force consumers to buy its products no matter what the price.

When marginal revenue is positive the quizlet?

If marginal revenue is positive, total revenue will increase when the firm sells one more unit of output.

For a monopolist marginal revenue is? (2024)


Why is a monopolist's marginal revenue less than? ›

3. A monopolist's marginal revenue is less than the price of its product because: (1) its demand curve is the market demand curve, so (2) to increase the amount sold, the monopolist must lower the price of its good for every unit it sells. (3) This cut in prices reduces revenue on the units it was already selling.

What happens to marginal revenue in a monopoly? ›

In a monopoly, because the price changes as the quantity sold changes, marginal revenue diminishes with each additional unit and will always be equal to or less than average revenue.

Is marginal revenue equal to price in a monopoly? ›

The key difference with a perfectly competitive firm is that in the case of perfect competition, marginal revenue is equal to price (MR = P), while for a monopolist, marginal revenue is not equal to the price, because changes in quantity of output affect the price.

Why is monopoly marginal revenue downward sloping? ›

The reason for this declining marginal revenue is that the firm must reduce the price it charges for its product if it wants to sell more units. And that new lower price would apply to all units sold — including all the units sold to buyers who would have been willing to pay a higher price.

Why is marginal revenue less than price for a monopoly quizlet? ›

For a monopoly, marginal revenue is less than the price because a monopolist must lower its price in order to sell more. The demand curve for a monopolist is elastic. Higher the price, lower will be the demand.

Why is marginal revenue below average revenue for a monopolist quizlet? ›

Why is marginal revenue below average revenue for a monopolist? To sell an additional unit, the monopolist has to reduce the price not only to the marginal buyer, but to all buyers. A lump-sum tax (a tax that is treated as a fixed cost) is placed on a monopolist.

Why marginal revenue is equal to price? ›

Marginal revenue (MR) is the increase in total revenue resulting from a one-unit increase in output. Since the price is constant in the perfect competition. The increase in total revenue from producing 1 extra unit will equal to the price.

When marginal revenue is negative the? ›

Marginal revenue and revenue maximisation

If marginal revenue is negative, total revenue is decreasing.

Why is marginal cost horizontal in monopoly? ›

By maintaining a stable unit price, your marginal cost will trend in the same fashion irrespective of your production volume. The significance of this is that you'll have stabilized the unit price for your product, and the marginal cost will be horizontal.

What is marginal revenue formula? ›

Marginal revenue is equal to the selling price of a single additional item that was sold. Below is the marginal revenue formula: Marginal Revenue = Change in Revenue / Change in Quantity.

What does price equal in a monopoly? ›

3.5.2 Welfare Effects of Monopoly

In competition, the price is equal to marginal cost (P = MC), as in Figure 3.14. The competitive price and quantity are Pc and Qc. The monopoly price and quantity are found where marginal revenue equals marginal cost (MR = MC): PM and QM.

When marginal revenue is zero total revenue is? ›

When marginal revenue is zero, total revenue is Maximum. The profit maximizing quantity and price can be determined by setting marginal revenue equal to zero, which occurs at the maximal level of output.

When demand is downward sloping marginal revenue is? ›

If a firm faces a downward-sloping demand curve, marginal revenue is less than price. Marginal revenue is positive in the elastic range of a demand curve, negative in the inelastic range, and zero where demand is unit price elastic.

Where does the marginal revenue curve lie on a monopoly diagram? ›

The marginal revenue curve for a monopolist always lies beneath the market demand curve. To understand why, think about increasing the quantity along the demand curve by one unit, so that you take one step down the demand curve to a slightly higher quantity but a slightly lower price.

Why is the marginal revenue curve steeper? ›

The reason why the MR is twice as steep as the AR (from what I have been taught to remember for exams is...) It is due to the extra revenue you get from selling one more unit of output and occurs as the price has fallen. The new lower price, however, also applies to all previous units that could have been sold.

What is true for a monopolist? ›

A monopolist refers to an individual, group, or company that dominates and controls the market for a specific good or service. This lack of competition and lack of substitute goods or services means the monopolist wields enough power in the marketplace to charge high prices.

Is a monopolist a price maker? ›

A monopolist is considered to be a price maker, and can set the price of the product that it sells. However, the monopolist is constrained by consumer willingness and ability to purchase the good, also called demand.

How does a monopolist change the price of its product quizlet? ›

A monopolist can change its product's price by changing the quantity supplied of the product.

When MC MR the monopolist is maximizing profit because? ›

A monopolistic market has no competition, meaning the monopolist controls the price and quantity demanded. The level of output that maximizes a monopoly's profit is when the marginal cost equals the marginal revenue.

When the demand for a monopolist falls the marginal revenue also shifts left and will intersect the marginal cost at? ›

equals $60 x 300 = $ 18, 000. Q/A: If a​ monopolist's marginal cost curve shifts​ upward, the​ monopolist's price will increase, the output rate will decrease. Q/A: When the demand for a monopolist​ falls, the marginal revenue also shifts left and will intersect the marginal cost at a lower output level.

When a monopolist chooses to produce at the level of output where marginal cost equals marginal revenue price quizlet? ›

When a monopolist chooses to produce at the level of output where marginal cost equals marginal revenue, price: equals average revenue. With a monopolist's outcome, total surplus is generally _______ that of a competitive market.

When price is equal to marginal cost? ›

Under perfect competition, that means that price equals marginal cost, because under perfect competition, marginal revenue equals demand equals price. If you are familiar with calculus, you know that if a function is everywhere differentiable then its maximum must be at a point where its first derivative is zero.

When marginal revenue is positive demand is? ›

In general, when marginal revenue is positive, demand is elastic. When marginal revenue is negative, demand is inelastic.

How do we calculate marginal? ›

A company's marginal cost is how much extra it costs to produce additional units of goods or services. You can calculate it by dividing change in costs by change in quantity.

Is marginal revenue negative or zero? ›

Answer and Explanation: Marginal revenue can be zero and can be negative as well, for a firm with some market power.

Can marginal profit be negative? ›

A negative profit margin is when your production costs are more than your total revenue for a specific period. This means that you're spending more money than you're making, which is not a sustainable business model. Many companies have negative profit margins depending on external factors or unexpected expenses.

Why marginal revenue is always negative in the inelastic range? ›

If the firm faces an inelastic demand curve, a small change in price will result in negative marginal revenue. Recall from the previous lecture that a firm with market power faces a downward-sloping demand curve so when price falls, quantity demanded increases.

Is marginal cost always horizontal? ›

Simply put, marginal cost is the cost of producing one additional unit of your product. And depending on where you are on the cost curve, the marginal cost can be falling, rising, or horizontal. What is marginal cost?

Can marginal cost be horizontal line? ›

The marginal cost curve is a horizontal line starting from the x-axis at a price (P subscript c) that is less than the y-intercept of the demand curve. The marginal cost curve is labeled MC=AC; that is, there are no fixed costs, so marginal cost equals average cost.

Why marginal cost is straight line? ›

Such a function is linear because the marginal cost is constant, causing the values for the number of items produced and total costs, when shown on a graph, to form a straight line. This does not occur when the marginal cost varies depending upon the amount of items being produced.

What is marginal revenue example? ›

Marginal Revenue is the money a firm makes for each additional sale. In other words, it determines how much a firm would receive from selling one further good. For example, if a baker sells an additional loaf of bread for $2, then their marginal revenue is also $2.

How do we calculate revenue? ›

Revenue (sometimes referred to as sales revenue) is the amount of gross income produced through sales of products or services. A simple way to solve for revenue is by multiplying the number of sales and the sales price or average service price (Revenue = Sales x Average Price of Service or Sales Price).

What is the formula for total revenue? ›

Total Revenue = Number of Units Sold X Cost Per Unit

You can use the total revenue equation to calculate revenue for both products and services. To make it easy to remember, just think “quantity times price.”

How do you calculate profit from marginal revenue? ›

Marginal profit is calculated by taking the marginal revenue (the amount of revenue earned from the sale of one additional unit) and subtracting marginal cost (the cost of producing that additional unit).

What is the monopoly quantity? ›

A single-price monopoly produces the quantity QM at which marginal revenue equals marginal cost and sells that quantity for the price PM.

Which of the following statements about monopoly is true Mcq? ›

C. The good produced by a monopoly has no close substitutes. D. None of the above; that is, all of the above answers are true statements about a monopoly.

Where is total revenue maximized in a monopoly? ›

The monopolist will maximize total revenue at a level of output where marginal revenue equals 0 and the price is above that point on the demand curve.

Why is total revenue maximized when marginal revenue is 0? ›

Once MR is zero, the firm will not want to raise output further as to do so causes MR to become zero: i.e. TR falls is output expands further. So total revenue is maximised when Q = a/2b, i.e. half-way between the origin and where the demand curve cuts the Q- axis. Hence, p = a/2 when total revenue is maximised.

What is total revenue and marginal revenue? ›

Total revenue, which is the full amount of total sales, is calculated by multiplying the total amount of goods and services sold by their prices. Marginal revenue is the increase in revenue from selling one additional unit of a good or service.

What does a monopolist market show Mcq? ›

The correct answer is Monopsony. A monopsony occurs when a firm has market power in employing factors of production. It means there are one buyer and many sellers. When the market is under a monopsony, the market is dominated by a single buyer while, in the case of monopoly, a single seller is seen in the market.

Why demand curve is downward sloping in monopoly market? ›

The demand curve for an individual firm is downward sloping in monopolistic competition, in contrast to perfect competition where the firm's individual demand curve is perfectly elastic. This is due to the fact that firms have market power: they can raise prices without losing all of their customers.

What is the relationship between a monopolist demand curve and its marginal revenue curve? ›

Marginal revenue will always be less than demand for a given quantity. This is because a monopolist's demand curve is the same as its average revenue curve, and for a monopolist, both average and marginal revenue will decrease as quantity increases.

Why is a monopolist's marginal revenue less than? ›

3. A monopolist's marginal revenue is less than the price of its product because: (1) its demand curve is the market demand curve, so (2) to increase the amount sold, the monopolist must lower the price of its good for every unit it sells. (3) This cut in prices reduces revenue on the units it was already selling.

Why does marginal revenue decrease in monopoly? ›

In a monopoly, because the price changes as the quantity sold changes, marginal revenue diminishes with each additional unit and will always be equal to or less than average revenue.

Why does marginal revenue not equal price for a monopolist? ›

For a monopolist, marginal revenue is less than price. a. Because the monopolist must lower the price on all units in order to sell additional units, marginal revenue is less than price.

Can monopolist have negative marginal revenue? ›

Marginal revenue in monopoly

When a firm faces a downward-sloping demand curve, then marginal revenue will be less than average revenue and can even be negative.

Why does marginal revenue decrease? ›

For any given amount of consumer demand, marginal revenue tends to decrease as production increases. In equilibrium, marginal revenue equals marginal costs; there is no economic profit in equilibrium.

Is marginal revenue twice the slope of demand? ›

Optional calculus proof to show that MR has twice slope of demand

What does it mean when marginal revenue is less than price? ›

When marginal revenue is less than the marginal cost of production, a company is producing too much and should decrease its quantity supplied until marginal revenue equals the marginal cost of production.

Why is price greater than marginal cost in a monopoly? ›

Because a monopoly faces no competition, it has absolute market power and can set a price above the firm's marginal cost.

Why is demand greater than marginal revenue for imperfectly competitive firms? ›

Why is demand greater than marginal revenue for all imperfectly competitive firms? A firm must lower its price to sell more.

Where does the marginal revenue curve lie on a monopoly diagram? ›

This relationship between the marginal and average revenue of a monopoly firm is stated as follows: AR and MR are both negative sloped (downward sloping) curves. MR curve lies half-way between the AR curve and the Y-axis. i.e. it cuts the horizontal line between the Y-axis and AR into two equal parts.

When marginal revenue is negative the? ›

Marginal revenue and revenue maximisation

If marginal revenue is negative, total revenue is decreasing.

Is marginal revenue negative or zero? ›

Answer and Explanation: Marginal revenue can be zero and can be negative as well, for a firm with some market power.

Why marginal revenue is equal to price? ›

Marginal revenue (MR) is the increase in total revenue resulting from a one-unit increase in output. Since the price is constant in the perfect competition. The increase in total revenue from producing 1 extra unit will equal to the price.

When marginal revenue is positive demand is? ›

In general, when marginal revenue is positive, demand is elastic. When marginal revenue is negative, demand is inelastic.

How do I calculate marginal revenue? ›

To calculate the marginal revenue, a company divides the change in its total revenue by the change of its total output quantity. Marginal revenue is equal to the selling price of a single additional item that was sold. Below is the marginal revenue formula: Marginal Revenue = Change in Revenue / Change in Quantity.

When marginal revenue is zero demand will be? ›

When marginal revenue is zero, demand will be: unit elastic. As we move down along a linear demand curve, the price elasticity of demand becomes more: inelastic.

What happens when MC is greater than MR? ›

When the production level reaches a point that cost of producing an additional unit of output (MC) exceeds the revenue from the unit of output (MR), producing the additional unit of output reduces profit. Thus, the firm will not produce that unit.

What is marginal revenue in perfect competition? ›

Marginal revenue indicates how much extra revenue a perfectly competitive firm receives for selling an extra unit of output. It is found by dividing the change in total revenue by the change in the quantity of output.

What is the relationship between a monopolist's demand curve and its marginal revenue curve? ›

The marginal revenue curve for the monopoly firm lies below its demand curve. It shows the additional revenue gained from selling an additional unit.

Why is marginal cost horizontal in monopoly? ›

By maintaining a stable unit price, your marginal cost will trend in the same fashion irrespective of your production volume. The significance of this is that you'll have stabilized the unit price for your product, and the marginal cost will be horizontal.

What is a marginal revenue curve? ›

The marginal revenue curve is a horizontal line at the market price, implying perfectly elastic demand and is equal to the demand curve. Under monopoly, one firm is a sole seller in the market with a differentiated product.

Why is the marginal revenue curve steeper? ›

The reason why the MR is twice as steep as the AR (from what I have been taught to remember for exams is...) It is due to the extra revenue you get from selling one more unit of output and occurs as the price has fallen. The new lower price, however, also applies to all previous units that could have been sold.

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