How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (2024)

It’s been possible to specifically target your Facebook page fans with Facebook ads for a long time, but targeting your Instagram followers with ads has been impossible.

With 400 million daily active users on Instagram, this has been a sore spot for Instagram users who’ve worked hard to build a large following.

Those with Facebook pages with thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of fans have been able to re-target their page fans with Facebook and Instagram ads to get cheap leads for years.

Meanwhile, if you’ve got an Instagram account with thousands of engaged followers, it’s been impossible to use the same technique and tap into that warm audience by re-targeting them with Facebook or Instagram ads.

Until now!

At the time I’m writing this, Facebook have just added the ability to specifically target your Instagram followers with Facebook and Instagram ads.

This is a big opportunity that’s just been unlocked if you’re an Instagram user.

The only caveat here is that it's for Instagram for business accounts only. Here's a great post on how to set up a business account.

And don’t stress if you don’t see this in your Facebook ad account just yet. Facebook seems to be rolling this out slowly so you should see it sometime soon if it’s not there already.

Keep reading for a full walkthrough on how to target your Instagram followers with Facebook and Instagram ads. I’ll also give you a few ideas for how to take advantage of this new feature to get great results.

The process for setting up your audiences is exactly the same as any other re-targeting audience.

You’ll need to create a new Custom Audience that contains your Instagram followers, and then set up your ads to target that Custom Audience.

Create Your Custom Audience

First, head over to the Facebook Ad Manager and go to the ‘Audiences’ tab.

Once you’re on the Audiences screen, you’ll need to click the blue ‘Create Audience’ button and select ‘Custom Audience’.

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (1)

Select ‘Engagement’ from the list of Custom Audience types.

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (2)

Now, if this new feature has been added to your Facebook ad account, you’ll see a couple of new options here.

You can choose to either create your new Custom Audience based on people who have engaged with your Instagram business profile, OR who have watched one of your videos on Instagram!

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (3)

For this example, we’ll choose the ‘Instagram Business Profile’ option to create a re-targeting audience based on people who’ve interacted with your Instagram account.

Now this is where it gets interesting.

Facebook gives us a range of options to choose from when it comes to targeting our Instagram audience.

You have the choice of creating an audience of Instagram users including:

  • Everyone who engaged with your Instagram profile (this includes visiting your profile OR engaging with your content or ads)
  • Only people who visited your Instagram profile
  • Only people who engaged with your content or ads
  • People who sent a message to your business profile
  • People who saved any of your posts or ads

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (4)

After you choose who you want included in your audience you’ll need to select a time frame.

This is where you tell Facebook how far you want it to look back in the past for people who performed the action you chose.

And just like with Facebook page engagement audiences, you can go back up to 365 days.

Now there is one big caveat here.

Instagram only started collecting data from June 2017, so even if you select a 365 day window, it can only ever go back as far as June 2017.

Here is what Facebook have to say about the maximum time frame for your Instagram audiences:

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (5)

That’s the basic setup done. Once you give your new Instagram re-targeting audience a name you just need to click ‘Create Audience’ and you’re all set.

But before we move on, I want to quickly walk you through the advanced options we have available to us.

You can actually refine your Instagram audience even further or expand it by using the ‘Include More’ or ‘Exclude’ options.

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (6)

Including More People in Your Instagram Custom Audience

Let’s look at the ‘Include More’ option first.

Selecting this will let you add more people to your audience so you’re not limited people who performed one type of action.

For example, you can include everyone who engaged with your Instagram posts in the last 30 days OR sent a message to your profile in the last 90 days.

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (7)

You can even add a second Instagram account!

So if you own multiple Instagram business accounts you can combine them into one big Facebook Custom Audience and re-target the audiences of both accounts in the same ad set.

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (8)

Narrowing your Custom Audience by excluding people

Now let’s take a look at options for narrowing your audience.

This is perfect if you want to show your ads to only a select group of your Instagram followers who have performed a specific action but not others.

For example, you may want to show ads to everyone who has engaged with one of your Instagram posts or ads, but haven’t sent a message to your Instagram account.

Doing this is as easy as selecting the ‘People who engaged with any post or ad’ option, clicking ‘Exclude’ and selecting ‘People who sent a message to your business profile’.

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (9)

You can keep adding or excluding segments of your audiences as well. You can even have multiple inclusions and exclusions across multiple Instagram accounts. It really does give you a lot of control.

Once you’re happy with your new Instagram Custom Audience, all you need to do is click ‘Create Audience’ and your audience will start populating.

Now it’s time to set up some ads targeting your new audience full of your Instagram followers.

The process for this is exactly the same as targeting any other Custom Audience.

If you already know how to set up an ad set targeting a Custom Audience you might want to skip to the next section where I’ll share a few extra ways to use these new audiences.

But in case you aren’t sure how to actually set up your ads to target the new Custom Audience you just created, let’s take a quick look.

Create a new campaign and ad set

Head back over to the Ad Manager and click ‘Create Campaign’

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (10)

Next, you’ll need to select your objective.

It doesn’t matter which one you choose, you’ll still be able to target your Custom Audience that contains your Instagram followers.

Choose the objective that is best suited to your goal.

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (11)

Now this is where you’ll set up targeting to show your ads to your Instagram followers.

All you need to do is scroll down to the ‘Custom Audiences’ section.

From the drop-down, select your Custom Audience that you just created based on your Instagram followers.

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (12)

That’s it! Your ads will now be shown to that audience.

Don’t forget, you still need to go through and finish setting up the remaining options in your ad set and also set up your ads. But this is all you need to target your Instagram followers with Facebook ads or Instagram ads.

How to use Instagram Engagement audiences effectively

Of course, if you have a large Instagram account then re-targeting everyone who engages with your account is a must-do.

But how else can we use these audiences?

Create Lookalike Audiences based on your Instagram audiences

I can see this being another powerful way to reach new, highly relevant cold audiences.

Instagram has much higher user engagement than Facebook.

According to this article by Toby Nwazor, Adidas posted the same post on both their Facebook page and Instagram account. The Facebook page had 24 million likes, versus the Instagram account’s 9.7 million followers. However the Instagram post had over 130,000 views compared to Facebook’s 78,000 views. The post also had 154 comments on Instagram compared to 67 on Facebook.

Why is this relevant?

Because these new Instagram Custom Audiences give you the ability to create Lookalike Audiences based on your highly engaged Instagram followers.

I’m looking forward to finding out if these Lookalike Audiences are more powerful than the existing FB page engagement based Lookalikes. I have a feeling they will be, but I recommend getting out there and testing them for yourself.

Instagram Video Viewer Retargeting and Lookalike Audiences

You also now have the ability to re-target people who watch your videos on Instagram.

This works in exactly the same way as re-targeting Facebook video viewers. You can create a Custom Audience containing Instagram video viewers and use that in your targeting options.

If you want to leverage this, you obviously need to be doing videos on Instagram.

There are a couple of ways to use those video viewer audiences for your ad campaigns.

Retargeting video viewers with ads that lead them to a lead magnet or free offer that requires an email signup is a great strategy to use.

Another one is again building Lookalike Audiences based on your video viewers so you have new cold audiences to reach that are very similar to your existing audience.

And finally, one strategy I like to use is re-targeting my previous video viewers with ads for new videos that I put out. These can be either on Facebook or Instagram.

The idea here is that people who’ve watched your past videos will be more likely to also enjoy your new ones. You’ll also be building a powerful relationship with these audiences as they watch more of your video content.

This is great news for anyone who advertises on Facebook and has an Instagram following (or has clients with Instagram followings).

It’s unlocking a re-targeting audience that we previously haven’t had access to and that means more opportunity to lower your ad costs and improve your ROI.

Follow the steps I outlined above to set up your new Instagram engagement audiences and test them to see how they perform for your business.

Now it's over to you. Have you seen this feature in your ad account yet? And if so have you started using it? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

How to Target Your Instagram Followers with Facebook Ads (2024)


How do you target someone's followers on Instagram with ads? ›

If your competitors are major brands or if they have large followings on Instagram, you may be able to target their followers directly. At the ad set level, scroll down to the Audience section and click the Edit button next to Detailed Targeting. Then enter your competitors' brands into the search bar.

Can Facebook ads target followers of a page? ›

Although you cannot target your competitor's pages directly on Facebook, you can reach people that are interested in a particular competitor or liked pages related to them.

Can you run ads to your followers on Instagram? ›

Use Instagram Paid Promotion to Gain Followers. Although Instagram doesn't offer the ability to optimize for followers the way Facebook does, you still can use advertising to build a quality audience. Here are five steps that we recommend to help brands grow followers on Instagram through paid promotion.

How to get more Instagram followers using Facebook ads 2022? ›

How to Get More Instagram Followers from Facebook Ads
  1. Create a New Campaign. In your Facebook Ads manager, create a new campaign with 'Traffic' as the main objective and then set your budget. ...
  2. Choose Your Placement. Within the Ad Set, select Instagram as your placement. ...
  3. Create Your Ad. Next, you'll set up the ads.
May 10, 2022

Is there an algorithm for Instagram followers? ›

Instagram automatically sorts an account's followers list once enough data has been gathered on three aspects: recent interactions, relationships, and follower relevance. Each aspect is influenced by multiple factors, which will be analyzed by Instagram's algorithm before sorting the follower's list.

Is it better to run Instagram ads through Facebook? ›

Your advertising goal should also impact your choice of platform. Facebook is best for getting website clicks or views/engagement for written content. Instagram is great for boosting brand awareness with visuals.

Do Facebook ads work on Instagram? ›

If you choose an objective that supports Instagram when you create your ad, your placements will automatically include Instagram. It's a good idea to run ads on both Facebook and Instagram for the following reasons: Optimized delivery: Our delivery system works best with more people to choose from.

Can I Boost Instagram post from Facebook Ads Manager? ›

Open the Ads Manager menu and select Page posts. Choose your page from the dropdown in the upper right corner. Click to check the box next to the post you want to promote. Choose Create ad... from the Actions dropdown menu.

How do I target my friends followers on Facebook? ›

When you are in your ad set level you want to look for a section called connections under interest targeting. Then you want to select “Friends of people who like your page.” Then select your other targeting options, go ahead and click publish and you're good to run that campaign.

Can Facebook ban you for buying followers? ›

Your Facebook page will not be banned for buying Facebook likes. Facebook's terms of service don't actually prohibit buying likes. They do try to ban fake accounts, however. If a big number of your likes are fake, you'll lose them if Facebook catches them and bans their accounts.

Can I target Facebook Ads to users of a specific app? ›

You can target people in many ways, including: Location: Reach people in the areas where your app is available. You can target people at the country level or local level like cities. Demographics: Choose the audience for your ad based on demographics like age, gender, education and more.

How many followers do you need on Instagram to get ads? ›

Post a picture with the specified hashtags on Instagram and get paid. You need at least 700 engaged followers to be eligible.

Will Instagram ban you for buying followers? ›

Will Instagram close your account if you purchase followers? No. Instagram will not close your account if you buy followers. Tens of thousands of people are purchasing followers every month from the 20 best sites to buy Instagram followers that are real and active, and no one gets their account closed.

How much should you spend on Instagram ads? ›

At least 50 cents a day for impressions. If you're being charged for clicks, likes, video views or post engagements your daily minimum needs to be at least $2.50. Low-frequency events, such as offer claims or app installs, need to be charged at a daily minimum of $20 a day.

Should I pause Instagram promotion at night? ›

Pausing your ad is a good way to extend your budget! Disable the ad at any time, and then turn it back on again when you're ready. You ad budget isn't affected until you resume the ad.

What is the fastest way to get 10k followers on Instagram? ›

10 Tips to Get 10K Instagram Followers Without Buying Them [A Business Guide]
  1. Experiment to find your voice. ...
  2. Stay on brand. ...
  3. Be active. ...
  4. Don't follow for follow. ...
  5. Be real and honest. ...
  6. Don't brag too much. ...
  7. Publish timely content. ...
  8. Identify influencers and interact with them.

How to beat IG algorithm 2022? ›

Here are six ways to improve your algorithmic ranking and reach new audiences:
  1. Consistently Share Instagram Reels.
  2. Encourage Interactions with Instagram Stories Stickers.
  3. Drive Conversations with Engaging Captions.
  4. Add Hashtags and Keywords to Your Posts.
  5. Cross-promote Your Instagram Content.
Dec 22, 2022

What is a good amount to spend on Facebook ads? ›

#1: Establish Your Facebook Advertising Budget

For most of my clients, the goal is to make money, which means they're focused on getting leads and making sales. Typically, a marketing budget for any business is 5%–12% of revenue. Newer companies may want to spend closer to 12% because they want to grow aggressively.

Do Instagram ads cost more than Facebook ads? ›

For the best engagement rates, check out Instagram. Instagram is known for its high engagement rates for both organic and paid content, which is why ads on the platform are cheaper than Facebook. In fact, one study estimated images on Instagram see 23% more engagement than when shared on Facebook.

Are Facebook ads worth it? ›

So if you want to use Facebook to reach a wider audience, generate new leads and convert more customers - Facebook ads are 100% worth it. In fact, Some companies need to invest in highly organised campaigns with well-produced creatives to stand out from their competition.

Are Instagram ads worth it? ›

We are often asked, “is Instagram ads worth it?” ABSOLUTELY! Instagram ads are remarkably effective to Millennials. In order for Instagram ads to be effective, you need a rock-solid strategy, eye-catching content, and clearly defined goals.

Are Instagram ads worth it 2022? ›

Are Instagram Ads Worth the Price? Advertising on Instagram is an order of magnitude cheaper than other marketing tools. Therefore, it is worth using this platform, at a minimum, to test whether your audience responds to such activities. At the same time, the budget that will be needed is only 1 dollar per day.

Is it better to run a Facebook ad or boost a post? ›

If your ultimate goal is to promote brand awareness, then you probably want to strongly consider boosting a post. If you want to drive traffic to your website or have another goal that is not brand awareness, visibility, or audience growth on Facebook, an ad may be a better option.

Does ads Manager work for Instagram? ›

As Instagram is owned by Facebook, you'll need to log into Facebook Ads Manager to create, monitor, and manage your social ads. If you already have an Instagram account that you want to start advertising with, then you'll need to make sure it is either added to your Business Manager or connected to your Facebook page.

Does boosting posts get more followers? ›

The benefit of promoting your post is that you can reach a larger audience and get more engagement on your posts, which can lead to more followers. Promoted Instagram posts also give you insights into how well your content is performing and who is seeing it, beyond just your regular audience.

Can you target followers on Facebook? ›

Navigate to the Audience section of the Ad Set level. In the Detailed targeting section, start typing the name of the Fan Page. If the Fans of the Page are able to be targeted, you will get a “match” of that name that you can then select and use in your targeting.

How do I filter followers on Facebook? ›

Scroll down and tap Settings. Scroll down to the Audience and Visibility section and tap Followers and Public Content. Tap Who can see the people, Pages and lists you follow? Tap the circle to select an audience.

How to do detailed targeting on Facebook Ads? ›

Detailed targeting is a targeting option available in the "Audience" section of ad set creation that allows you to refine the group of people we show your ads to. You can do this with information such as additional demographics, interests and behaviours.

Why you shouldn't buy Instagram followers? ›

It's not a good idea to buy Instagram followers. The purchased followers are likely bots or inactive accounts, so they won't engage with your posts. This means your posts won't show up on Explore Pages, or your real audience's newsfeeds. It will also make it hard to measure metrics.

Is paying for followers worth it? ›

You Won't Earn Money Using Fake Followers

These people, whether they are real or totally fake accounts, will not spend any money on your products. They will not refer people to you. If you hope to be an influencer, brands will choose not to work with you if you buy followers (as they are so easy to spot).

How much does Facebook pay per 1,000 views? ›

Facebook's ad campaigns generate an average of $8.75 per 1,000 views, according to the Social Media Examiner. Tubefilter found Facebook creator revenue fluctuated in 2020, with some influencers generating millions of dollars off the site, while others with millions of views received little to no pay out.

What are the 3 types of targeting in Facebook? ›

Facebook has three main types of targeting options: Core Audiences, Custom Audiences, and Lookalike Audiences.

Can you compete against yourself with Facebook Ads? ›

You only pay when somebody completes your event—clicks on your ad, for instance—and your competition is other ads that also target the same audience. You shouldn't ever need to worry about bidding against yourself unless you're running campaigns or ad sets targeting the exact same audience.

How do I target my core audience on Facebook Ads? ›

Once that's done, here's how to create your remarketing audience:
  1. Go to Audiences with your Ads Manager.
  2. From the Create Audience dropdown, choose Custom Audience.
  3. Under sources, click Website.
  4. Choose your pixel.
  5. Under Events, choose which types of visitors to target.
  6. Name your audience and click Create audience.
Aug 3, 2022

How do you get 5000 followers on Instagram fast? ›

How to get your first 5000 followers on Instagram
  1. Call to action.
  2. Promote your account using SFS.
  3. Do not offer money as a prize.
  4. Create posts that are worth sharing.
  5. Start challenges.
  6. Run mutual PR campaigns.
Jun 19, 2020

How do you grow your Instagram to 1000 followers? ›

Getting your first 1000 followers on Instagram: 16 tips
  1. Make your Instagram bio count.
  2. Connect with your network.
  3. Find your audience.
  4. Live by the '5 likes, comment & follow' rule.
  5. Find your voice as a 'brand'
  6. Write catchy, shareable captions!
  7. Post engaging content.
  8. Optimize your imagery for Instagram.
Nov 7, 2022

How do I grow my Instagram followers to 1k? ›

Along with the three items listed above, you'll also want to include hashtags.
  1. Optimize posts with relevant hashtags. ...
  2. Lean into trending content formats. ...
  3. Post content your followers want to see. ...
  4. Promote your Instagram. ...
  5. Engage with users through follows, likes, and comments.
Aug 2, 2022

How much does 10k Instagram followers make? ›

Micro-influencers (accounts with one thousand to ten thousand followers earn on average $1,420 per month, and mega-influencers (accounts with over one million followers) earn about $15,356 per month.

How much does Instagram pay for 1k followers? ›

Many brands will only offer you free products. But, some companies will pay $10 per 1,000 followers, while others pay over $800 per 1,000 followers. You can maximize the money you make when you publish sponsored photos.

What is the safest way to buy Instagram followers? ›

Here are our best picks if you're ready to buy Instagram followers, likes, and views.
  • : Best Site Among all the Service Providers. ...
  • : Oldest and Most successful Insta Service Provider. ...
  • ...
Sep 21, 2022

How can you tell if someone has fake followers on Instagram? ›

How to Spot Fake Instagram Followers
  1. A significantly unbalanced ratio between the number of followers and the number of accounts followed. ...
  2. Very limited profile information.
  3. The account has little to no posts of their own.
  4. An unusually low or high engagement rate.
  5. Generic comments and posts.

How can you tell if someone bought followers on Instagram? ›

Look through a few photos and scan the comments. If the comments are clearly irrelevant or gibberish, they're from fake followers. Following/Followed by “fan-buying” services: If you look through their followers and who they're following, you might see one or two fan-buying accounts.

Can you target ads to specific users? ›

Use Custom Audiences for remarketing

Using Facebook Custom Audiences targeting options, you can choose to show your ads to people who have recently viewed your website, people who have looked at sales pages, or even people who have looked at specific products.

How do I target another account followers? ›

Use hashtags.

Hashtags are a great way to connect with other users with similar interests. Hashtags allow you to search for specific topics and find relevant posts from others. Using hashtags, you'll be able to target your audience better and increase engagement.

How does Instagram ad targeting work? ›

Instagram ads have all the same targeting options as Facebook ads. These include targeting based on location, demographics, interests, behavior, lookalike audiences, and automated targeting (i.e., let Facebook decide). Even better, if you have Custom Audiences, you can target them on Instagram.

How do you set up an ad audience on Instagram? ›

button in the upper right-hand corner of the Ad Details page, and select the part of your ad you want to edit:
  1. Edit Content - Change the ad's headline, URL, display URL, button text, description, and image. ...
  2. Edit Audience - Select the gender, age, country, location, and interests for the people you want to target.
Dec 9, 2021

What is the best audience for Facebook Ads? ›

Essentially, Facebook recommends targeting a minimum of 1,000 people with your ads. You can start with that and scale from there as you get a better understanding of who your audience is. Or, you can kick off with a broader audience of 10,000 people or 100,000 folks – depending on your budget.

How do you target specific people? ›

Target audiences center around a specific group of people. These can be men, women, teenagers, or children.
When building these out, consider using the following demographics and identifiers:
  1. Age.
  2. Gender.
  3. Location.
  4. Hobbies.
  5. Income.
  6. Education level.
  7. Profession.
  8. Marital status.

Do people prefer targeted ads? ›

Targeted ads can creep out customers

However, they especially dislike it when companies give customer data to third parties. What's more, customers are concerned with how advertisers get their personal data and what they do with it.

How do I target people who follow my page? ›

Navigate to the Audience section of the Ad Set level. In the Detailed targeting section, start typing the name of the Fan Page. If the Fans of the Page are able to be targeted, you will get a “match” of that name that you can then select and use in your targeting.

Is Facebook ads better than Instagram ads? ›

Your advertising goal should also impact your choice of platform. Facebook is best for getting website clicks or views/engagement for written content. Instagram is great for boosting brand awareness with visuals.

What is the best strategy for Instagram ads? ›

Choose the right image
  1. Focus on your products. If your Instagram ad is intended to showcase or sell your products, don't be afraid to use eye-catching images that put the focus on those products. ...
  2. Keep text to a minimum. Remember that Instagram users are there to see images. ...
  3. Use high-resolution images.

How much should I spend on Instagram ads? ›

At least 50 cents a day for impressions. If you're being charged for clicks, likes, video views or post engagements your daily minimum needs to be at least $2.50. Low-frequency events, such as offer claims or app installs, need to be charged at a daily minimum of $20 a day.

How much are Instagram ads per 1000 views? ›

On average, companies pay $0.20 to $2 per click, $6.70 per 1000 impressions, and $0.01 to $0.05 per engagement for Instagram ads. Keep reading to learn more about Instagram ad costs!

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.