Humble Decision Making (2024)

Decision making in the 1990s will be even more of an art and less of a science than it is today. Not only is the world growing more complex and uncertain at a faster and faster pace, but the old decision-making models are failing, and we can expect their failure to accelerate as well.

If executives once imagined they could gather enough information to read the business environment like an open book, they have had to dim their hopes. The flow of information has swollen to such a flood that managers are in danger of drowning; extracting relevant data from the torrent is increasingly a daunting task. Little wonder that some beleaguered decision makers—even outside the White House—turn to astrologers and mediums.

Yet from this swelling confusion, a new decision-making model is evolving, one more attuned to a world that resembles not so much an open book as an entire library of encyclopedias under perpetual revision. This new approach—in fact a very old approach in modern dress—understands that executives must often proceed with only partial information, which, moreover, they have had no time to fully process or analyze. I call this model “humble decision making.”

In a simpler age, the principle governing business decisions was held to be rationalism. Rationalists argued that decision makers should and could explore every route that might lead to their goal, collect information about the costs and utility of each, systematically compare these various alternatives, and choose the most effective course. Executives were then urged to throw the full power of their leadership behind the chosen path. The rule was: Implement! Overcome every adversity! This called for the kind of assertiveness shown by Israeli army commanders when they order subordinates to storm and take a roadblock: “I don’t care if you go over it, under it, around it, or through it, just see that it’s ours by the end of the day.”

Today’s typical executive finds it quite impossible to pursue decisions this aggressively. For example, it is no longer enough to understand the U.S. economy; events in Brazil, Kuwait, Korea, and a score of other countries are likely to affect one’s decisions. Explosive innovation in fields like communications, biotechnology, and superconductivity can take companies by surprise. Unexpected developments can affect the cost of everything from raw materials to health care—witness the oil shocks of the 1970s and the spread of AIDS in the 1980s. Economic forecasts are proving to be much less reliable than they used to be (or, perhaps, than we used to think they were). Deregulation, computer-driven program trading, foreign hot money in the U.S. economy—all add unpredictability.

Rationalist decision makers simply need to know much more than ever before. Of course, with computers our capacity to collect and to semiprocess information has grown, but information is not the same as knowledge. The production of knowledge is analogous to the manufacture of any other product. We begin with the raw material of facts (of which we often have a more than adequate supply). We pre-treat these by means of classification, tabulation, summary, and so on, and then proceed to the assembly of correlations and comparisons. But the final product, conclusions, does not simply roll off the production line. Indeed, without powerful overarching explanatory schemes (or theories), whatever knowledge there is in the mountain of data we daily amass is often invisible.

And our prevailing theories—in economics, for instance—are proving ever less suitable to the new age. Artificial intelligence may someday make the mass production of knowledge an easy matter, but certainly not before the year 2000.

In short, the executives of today and tomorrow face continuing information overloads but little growth in the amount of knowledge usable for most complex managerial decisions. Decision makers in the 1990s will continue to travel on unmarked, unlit roads in rain and fog rather than on the broad, familiar, sunlit streets of their own hometowns.

Actually, decision making was never quite as easy as rationalists would have us think. Psychologists argue compellingly that even before our present troubles began, human minds could not handle the complexities that important decisions entailed. Our brains are too limited. At best, we can focus on eight facts at a time. Our ability to calculate probabilities, especially to combine two or more probabilities—essential for most decision making—is low. And the evidence shows that we learn surprisingly slowly. We make the same mistakes over and over again, adjusting our estimates and expectations at an agonizing crawl, and quite poorly at that.

Moreover, we are all prone to let our emotions get in the way—fear, for one. Since all decisions entail risks, decision making almost inevitably evokes anxiety. Decision makers respond in predictable ways that render their decisions less reasonable. Irving L. Janis and Leon Mann have treated this subject at some length in their book, Decision Making. Common patterns include defensive avoidance (delaying decisions unduly), overreaction (making decisions impulsively in order to escape the anxious state), and hypervigilance (obsessively collecting more and more information instead of making a decision).

Political factors are another complicating consideration, partly because we try to deny their importance. One study reports that most executives see their decisions as professional, even technocratic, but rarely as political. While they acknowledge that political considerations may enter into dealings with a labor union or a local government and that “bad” political corporations do exist, few are willing to recognize that all corporations are political entities and, consequently, that most if not all important decisions have a political dimension. For example, it is not enough to dream up a new product, market, or research project; we must consider how to build up bases of support among vice presidents, division leaders, and others.

By disregarding the emotions and politics of decision making, rationalism has taught executives to expect more of themselves than is either possible or, indeed, desirable. Implicit in the rationalistic decision model is the assumption that decision makers have unqualified power and wisdom. It ignores the fact that other individuals, too, set goals for themselves and seek to push them through. For ethical reasons, we should not want to override them, and for practical reasons, we cannot do so. Successful decision-making strategies must necessarily include a place for cooperation, coalition building, and the whole panorama of differing personalities, perspectives, responsibilities, and powers.

So even before the world turned ultracomplex and superfungible, our intellectual limitations were such that wholly rational decisions were often beyond our grasp. Recognition of this fact led students of decision making to come up with two new approaches that are, in effect, counsels of despair.

The first of these is called incrementalism, a formal title for what is otherwise known as the science of muddling through. Incrementalism advocates moving not so much toward a goal as away from trouble, trying this or that small maneuver without any grand plan or sense of ultimate purpose. It has two attractive strengths. First, it eliminates the need for complete, encyclopedic information by focusing on limited areas, those nearest to hand, one at a time. And, second, it avoids the danger of grand policy decisions by not making any. Its main weakness is that it is highly “conservative”; it invariably chooses a direction close to the prevailing one. Grand new departures, radical changes in course, do not occur, however much they may be needed.

The second counsel of despair is openly opposed to reflection and analysis. It calls on executives to steam full speed ahead and remake the world rather than seek to understand it. Building on the perfectly accurate observation that many things are exceedingly difficult to predict—which product will sell, what the result of an ad campaign will be, how long R&D will take—executives are advised not to sit back and await sufficient information but to pick the course favored by their experience, inner voice, intuition, and whatever information is readily available—and then to commit. Pumping enough resources, dedication, and ingenuity into the course they have fixed on can make it work, can render an underprocessed decision right.

While more heroic and appealing to the executive self-image than incrementalism, this go-for-it approach is the decision maker’s equivalent of “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” It is a hidden rather than an open counsel of despair, but it does despair of knowing the world and approaching it sensibly. And it is much more likely to end in shipwreck than in victory, especially in ever more treacherous seas.

Yet another approach—rarely described but not as uncommon as it ought to be—is what we might call rational ritualism, where executives and their staffs take part in an information dance whose prescribed moves include the data pas de deux and the interpretation waltz, except that the information used is generally poor (arbitrarily selected or from undependable sources) and often vastly overinterpreted. Usually most of those involved (or all of them) know the data is unreliable and the analysis unreal but dare not say that the emperor is naked. Instead, they make ritualistic projections—and know enough to ignore them.

A less explicitly recognized approach to decision making has been with us for centuries. Effective managers have made use of it since business began. Because this approach is particularly well suited to the new age of data overload and pell-mell change, it deserves a new look and, though still evolving, the respectability that a clear formulation can give it. I call it humble decision making, but a more descriptive title might be adaptive decision making or mixed scanning, since it entails a mixture of shallow and deep examination of data—generalized consideration of a broad range of facts and choices followed by detailed examination of a focused subset of facts and choices.

Mixed scanning contrasts strongly with two prevailing models of decision making—rationalism and incrementalism. We have already seen that the rationalist model, which requires full scanning of all relevant data and choices, is often impossible to heed. It requires the collection of enormous quantities of facts, the use of analytic capabilities we do not command, and a knowledge of consequences that are far away in time. Many of those who despair of its usefulness tend to favor incrementalism, or muddling through.

But incrementalism, too, contains a self-defeating feature. Theoretically, incremental decisions are either tentative or remedial—small steps taken in the “right” direction whenever the present course proves to be wrong. But the moment decision makers evaluate their small steps—which they must do in order to determine whether or not the present course is right—they must refer to broader guidelines. These wider criteria are not formulated incrementally but have all the hallmarks of grand, a priori decisions, which incrementalism seeks to avoid. Yet without such guidelines, incrementalism amounts to drifting, to action without direction.

Mixed scanning, as the term suggests, involves two sets of judgments: the first are broad, fundamental choices about the organization’s basic policy and direction; the second are incremental decisions that prepare the way for new, basic judgments and that implement and particularize them once they have been made. Thus mixed scanning is much less detailed and demanding than rationalistic decision making, but still broader and more comprehensive than incrementalism—and less likely to be limited to familiar alternatives.

Rationalism is a deeply optimistic approach that assumes we can learn all we need to know; mixed scanning is an adaptive strategy that acknowledges our inability to know more than part of what we would need to make a genuinely rational decision. Incrementalism is profoundly cautious and avoids decisions based on partial knowledge; mixed scanning seeks to make the best possible use of partial knowledge rather than proceed blindly with no knowledge at all.

The oldest formal use of mixed scanning is medical. It is the way doctors make decisions. Unlike incrementalists, physicians know what they want to achieve and which parts of the organism to focus on. Unlike rationalists, they do not commit all their resources on the basis of a preliminary diagnosis, and they do not wait for every conceivable scrap of personal history and scientific data before initiating treatment. Doctors survey the general health of a patient, then zero in on his or her particular complaint. They initiate a tentative treatment, and, if it fails, they try something else.

In fact, this is roughly the way effective managers, too, often make decisions. Business data are rarely unequivocal. Driving in fog and rain has always called for caution as well as a clear sense of destination, and the rules for humble yet effective decision making are much the same for doctors and executives.

Focused trial and error is probably the most widely used procedure for adapting to partial knowledge. It has two parts: knowing where to start the search for an effective intervention, and checking outcomes at intervals to adjust and modify the intervention. This approach differs significantly from what we might call outright trial and error, which assumes no knowledge at all, and from fine-tuning searches, which can occur only when knowledge is high and uncertainty low.

Focused trial and error assumes that there is important information that the executive does not have and must proceed without. It is not a question of understanding the world “correctly,” of choosing a logical procedure on the basis of facts, but of feeling one’s way to an effective course of action despite the lack of essential chunks of data. It is an adaptive, not a rationalistic, strategy.

Tentativeness—a commitment to revise one’s course as necessary—is an essential adaptive rule. Physicians tell their patients to take a medicine for x number of days, to call them at once if the symptoms grow worse rather than better, to return after some set interval for another examination. Such safeguards permit the doctor to adjust the intervention if it proves to be ineffective or counterproductive. A good doctor does not invest prestige and ego in the treatment prescribed. On the contrary, what distinguishes good physicians from poor ones is precisely their sensitivity to changing conditions, their pronounced willingness to change directions on the basis of results, their humility in the face of reality.

Executives often render decisions on matters less well understood than many medical conditions. Hence executives, even more than physicians, are best off when they refuse to commit to an initial diagnosis and so refuse to risk dignity and stature on what is inevitably an uncertain course. By viewing each intervention as tentative or experimental, they declare that they fully expect to revise it.

A year ago, some American bankers may have thought it sounded grand to announce that they would play an important role in the new, post-1992 Europe. Now that the great difficulties of such a course have become more evident, those bankers who announced only that they would try to find a way to work within the European Community seem wiser and more prudent.

Procrastination is another adaptive rule that follows from an understanding of the limits of executive knowledge. Delay permits the collection of fresh evidence, the processing of additional data, the presentation of new options. (It can also give the problem a chance to recede untreated.) Rarely is missing the next board meeting as detrimental as it seems. If one can make a significantly strong case at a later board meeting or rezoning hearing or town meeting, the result will justify the delay.

Decision staggering is one common form of delay. If the Federal Reserve believed the discount rate should rise by 3%, it would still not make the adjustment all at once. By adjusting the rate half a point at a time, the Federal Reserve can see a partial result of its intervention under conditions similar to those in which the rest of the intervention, if necessary, will take place.

Fractionalizing is a second corollary to procrastination. Instead of spreading a single intervention over time, it treats important judgments as a series of subdecisions and may or may not also stagger them in time. For example, a company concerned about future interest rates might raise half its needed equity now by issuing a bond and the other half later by selling an asset. Both staggering and fractionalizing allow the company to relate turning points in the decision process to turning points in the supply of information.

Hedging bets is another good adaptive rule. For instance, the less investors know about a specific company, the wiser it is to spread their investments among several stocks. The less certain they are of the stock market in general, the wiser they are to spread their investments among different instruments and areas—bonds and real estate, for example. Hedging bets will never produce a bonanza to compare with the lucky all-or-nothing, eggs-in-one-basket coup, but it is much more likely to improve long-term yield and security.

Maintaining strategic reserves is another form of hedging bets. The stock market investor with a cash reserve after the crashes of 1929 or 1987 was in an excellent position to capitalize on those disasters. In a predictable, rational world, no company would need idle resources. In fact, large reserves can be a dangerous invitation to an LBO. But in a world where we have learned to expect the unexpected, we need reserves to cover unanticipated costs and to respond to unforeseen opportunities.

Reversible decisions, finally, are a way of avoiding overcommitment when only partial information is available. The simplest response to the energy crisis of the early 1970s, for example, was to turn down the thermostat during the winter and raise it during the summer. It had the additional virtue of being fully reversible in seconds. Conservation measures were more difficult to take back, but were often only moderately expensive, and a subsequent lowering of energy prices did not render them counterproductive, even if it did reduce the return on invested capital. Changing an energy source, on the other hand, was often a complex and expensive reaction to the crisis and costly to reverse. Yet a number of companies did convert from oil to coal in the 1970s and now wish they could recall a decision made on the basis of inadequate information and executive overconfidence.

This list of adaptive techniques illustrates several essential qualities of effective decision making that the textbook models miss: flexibility, caution, and the capacity to proceed with partial knowledge, to name just three. Only fools make rigid decisions and decisions with no sense of overarching purpose, while the most able executives already practice more humble decision making than I could possibly preach. They will, I predict, apply the good sense and versatility of this tested, realistic model ever more widely as the world grows more and more difficult to manage.

A version of this article appeared in the July–August 1989 issue of Harvard Business Review.

Humble Decision Making (2024)


What is humble decision making? ›

Adaptive or "humble" decision making involves two sets of judgments: broad, basic choices about an organization's goals and policies; and small, experimental decisions based on in-depth examination of a focused subset of facts and choices.

What is a good example of decision making? ›

You have many decision-making examples in daily life such as: Deciding what to wear. Deciding what to eat for lunch. Choosing which book to read.

How does humility affect decision making? ›

Humility and judgment. High levels of humility can have a significant positive effect on judgment and decision-making. Based on the decision-making literature, personal biases can negatively affect judgment and decision-making.

What is optimal decision making? ›

What does this mean? To make an optimal decision, economists ask: “What are the extra (marginal) costs and what are the extra (marginal) benefits associated with the decision?” If the extra benefits are bigger than the extra costs, you shall go ahead with the decision, namely the decision is good. Did you know?

How do managers make rational decisions? ›

In a rational decision making process, a business manager will often employ a series of analytical steps to review relevant facts, observations and possible outcomes before choosing a particular course of action.” In rational decision-making models, decision makers evaluate a number of possible substitutions from ...

How do you say you have good decision-making skills? ›

How to demonstrate decision-making skills on your resume
  1. Provide examples of your decision-making skills.
  2. Show your ability to evaluate risks and opportunities and make the best decisions to achieve the company's goals.
  3. Demonstrate a strong ability to analyze problems.
  4. Demonstrate an ability to perform and communicate.

How do you explain decision-making skills? ›

Decision-Making Skills Definition

Decision-making skills are all of the skills you need to make an informed, rational decision. Someone with good decision-making skills at work can assess all the facts, understand the company's current state and goal state, and choose the best course of action.

What are positive decision-making skills? ›

Examples of decision-making skills
  • Problem-solving.
  • Leadership.
  • Reasoning.
  • Intuition.
  • Teamwork.
  • Emotional Intelligence.
  • Creativity.
  • Time management.

Why is it important to be humble? ›

Humble people are willing to see themselves accurately and appreciate feedback. Errors and mistakes provide feedback on one's own actions. So humble people see value in errors and the information that they provide for their own learning. This gives them an edge over others.

Why does being humble lead to success? ›

Humility is all about having a positive attitude and being open to others. It's about recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and being willing to learn from others. When you're humble, you're more likely to succeed. You'll be less likely to get arrogant and let your success go to your head.

Why humility is the key to success? ›

True humility breeds confidence, the kind that doesn't need to boast accomplishments, be the loudest in the room - the one who's always right - and take credit for every success. True humility allows a leader to listen to others, gather different points of view, and admit he/she may not have all the answers.

How do you answer an effective decision question? ›

How to answer 'how do you make effective decisions? '
  1. Explain how you analyse a situation. In some cases, an interviewer might present you with a hypothetical situation and ask you what decision you'd make and why. ...
  2. Discuss how you'd gather more information. ...
  3. Give a confident answer.
16 Aug 2021

What are examples of decision-making in the workplace? ›

Other common work-related scenarios where decision-making comes into play might include:
  • Organizing a team and assigning roles and responsibilities.
  • Making a go-no-go decision on a project.
  • Determining which strategy to use to meet company goals and how to execute it.
  • Creating a work-from-home policy.
19 Oct 2021

Where are optimal decisions made? ›

Optimal decisions are made at the point where marginal cost = zero.

What are the types of decision theory? ›

There are two branches of decision theory – Normative Decision Theory and Optimal Decision Theory.

What is optimal decision policy? ›

An optimal decision is a decision that leads to at least as good a known or expected outcome as all other available decision options. It is an important concept in decision theory. In order to compare the different decision outcomes, one commonly assigns a utility value to each of them.

Why is it important to make rational decisions? ›

Rational decision making is important because it provides you with a way to overcome a certain challenge you're facing or a way to approach a new opportunity by helping you develop an objective viewpoint.

What qualities make a good decision-maker? ›

This article will explore three crucial qualities that great leaders must develop to become great decision-makers: emotional intelligence, the ability to handle uncertainty, and the ability to weigh evidence with intuition.

What is another word for decision-making? ›

On this page you'll find 61 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to decision-making, such as: managerial, governing, ruling, controlling, directing, and managing.

What it truly means to be humble? ›

Humble means "modest; without an excess of pride." A person who brags about being humble may have too much pride in being humble to actually be humble.

Why is it important to be humble and kind? ›

Humble people are not only more polite and considerate, but they also have stronger self-control as they know what they are doing at all times. A humble person focuses on achieving personal goals and organizational targets,. Humility makes people better learners and thinkers.

What is a good example of being humble? ›

Letting someone ahead of you in line when you see they are in a hurry is an act of humility. Cleaning the bathroom of your office, even though you own the company, is an example of humility.

Can a humble person be a leader? ›

Humility isn't always the first trait associated with leadership — but it's an extremely important one. Humble leaders have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. They don't think that they're more or less capable than they actually are. Humility and confidence are not mutually exclusive.

What is the power of being humble? ›

Humility allows people to be open to the possibility of making a mistake. It's an integral part of moral leadership. If you're lacking in humility, you're less likely to recognize the potential for errors or mistakes in your work or decisions.

What qualities does a humble person have? ›

13 Habits Of Humble People
  • They're Situationally Aware. ...
  • They Retain Relationships. ...
  • They Make Difficult Decisions With Ease. ...
  • They Put Others First. ...
  • They Listen. ...
  • They're Curious. ...
  • They Speak Their Minds. ...
  • They Take Time To Say “Thank You”
1 Mar 2015

How can I be humble and confident? ›

5 Behaviors of Humble Confidence
  1. Practice Gratitude. Everyone has gifts and talents to share with others. ...
  2. Remain Grounded. Good leaders are those who stay focused and continue to cultivate strong character traits like integrity, honesty, respect, empathy, and so on. ...
  3. Welcome Feedback. ...
  4. Be Present. ...
  5. Take Risks.
31 Mar 2022

How do you humble yourself? ›

Developing Humility
  1. Spend time listening to others. ...
  2. Practice mindfulness, and focus on the present. ...
  3. Be grateful for what you have. ...
  4. Ask for help when you need it. ...
  5. Seek feedback from others on a regular basis. ...
  6. Review your actions against the language of pride.

What is the moral value of humility? ›

Humility as a value, at its highest, allows selflessness and dignity for a better world. A person with humility listens to and accepts others. Humility is staying stable and maintaining power on the inside and not needing to control others on the outside.

What 3 things would be most important in making your decision? ›

The Three Things to Consider When Making Life Decisions
  • Weigh the pros and cons. Make a list of what's good about the decision and what isn't. ...
  • Listen to your gut. ...
  • Consider the impact on others. ...
  • Check the alignment. ...
  • Avoid negative drivers. ...
  • Seek advice. ...
  • Compare the risks versus rewards. ...
  • Three Decision Criteria.
30 Mar 2016

How do you make important decisions example interview answers? ›

Short Answers
  • "I make important decisions by examining all the details and then weighing the pro's and con's for each decision."
  • "I gather all the information I can find and based on the information, I'll come to the best decision I can. ...
  • "I believe all decisions should be made by having all the information.

How do you answer Tell me about a time you had to make a difficult decision? ›

Choose an example

Consider selecting an example from your past professional experience. Think about a few of the times when you had to make a challenging decision and why it was so challenging for you. Try using your answer to reflect on your thought process and explain your decision-making style to the interviewer.

How do you explain sound decision-making to Grade 7 learners? ›

How to Teach Kids How to Make Sound Decisions
  1. Give Them Opportunities to Make Decisions. ...
  2. Don't Overwhelm Children with Too Many Options. ...
  3. Work Through the Decision-Making Process with Them. ...
  4. Validate Their Ideas. ...
  5. Remind Children to Consider Others. ...
  6. Model Sound Decision Making. ...
  7. Allow Kids to Suffer the Consequences.

What is decision-making in the workplace? ›

In a workplace relevant context, decision making refers to the process in which staff decide between course of action in order to maximise the probability of a desirable outcome.

What factors are needed for a sound good decision-making? ›

The Solution. This article identifies six components that contribute to good judgment: learning, trust, experience, detachment, options, and delivery. By working on each, leaders can improve their ability to make sense of an ambiguous situation.

How would you explain sound decision-making? ›

Sound judgment and decision-making can be defined as one's ability to objectively assess situations or circ*mstances using all the relevant information and apply past experience in order to come to a conclusion or make a decision.

What is the importance of a good and sound decision-making in life? ›

Importance of decision making

Our decisions affect people. Nearly every decision we make will affect different people in one way or another. It's important to be aware of the influence our decisions will have, and understand what the "human cost" will be. The decisions we make demonstrate our values.

Why is it important to make sound decisions in one's life? ›

Our daily life decisions give us opportunities to become better at what we do. Most of our decisions are made out of habit. However, by bringing our choices in the conscious domain, we can evaluate them, assess their impact and indulge in self-reflection. Such steps eventually lead to better decisions and outcomes.

What's another word for good decision? ›

  • determination.
  • decisiveness.
  • resolve.
  • resolution.
  • persistence.
  • decidedness.
  • readiness.
  • purposefulness.

How do you answer a decision interview question? ›

How to answer interview questions about decision-making
  1. Explain your thought process. When answering a question about how you make decisions, start by explaining a system you follow. ...
  2. Offer an example of a decision you made. ...
  3. Use facts to prove your answer. ...
  4. Deliver your answer confidently.

What is the most important factor in making a decision? ›

Significant factors include past experiences, a variety of cognitive biases, an escalation of commitment and sunk outcomes, individual differences, including age and socioeconomic status, and a belief in personal relevance. These things all impact the decision making process and the decisions made.

How do you make a balanced decision? ›

7 Steps to Making a Balanced Decision Between Intuition and Data
  1. Re-affirm every case and need for a change decision. ...
  2. Provide absolute clarity on the desired outcome. ...
  3. Clarify how and if a decision must be reversible. ...
  4. Break a large decision into many smaller steps. ...
  5. Match every decision to skills, people and timing.
13 Oct 2022

How do you make a decision in a timely manner? ›

- Susanne Biro, Susanne Biro & Associates Coaching Inc.
  1. Invite A Wide Array Of Perspectives. ...
  2. Ask Yourself Key Questions. ...
  3. Declare Your Direction And Move Forward. ...
  4. Construct A Problem Statement And Set Clear Deadlines. ...
  5. Know That You Won't Get It Right All The Time. ...
  6. Clearly Frame The Decision To Be Made At The Start.
10 Aug 2021

What are the 5 key of decision-making process? ›

The decision-making process includes the following steps: define, identify, assess, consider, implement, and evaluate. Today we're going to think together a little bit about the decision-making process. Usually, most people don't break down how they make decisions, they just decide.

What are the 4 types of decision-making? ›

The four categories of decision making
  • 1] Making routine choices and judgments. When you go shopping in a supermarket or a department store, you typically pick from the products before you. ...
  • 2] Influencing outcomes. ...
  • 3] Placing competitive bets. ...
  • 4] Making strategic decisions. ...
  • The constraint of decision making research.

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.