MCQ on Admission of a Partner | Partnership Accounts MCQs | Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | PAPER 5 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING | CMA MCQ (2024)

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Partnership Accounts MCQs


A. State whether each of the followingstatements is true or false:

1.When a new partner is admitted, the old firm hasto be dissolved.False

2.Sacrificing ratio and old ratio will always bethesame.False

3.Difference between old ratio and new ratio iscalled sacrificingratio.True

4.Premium brought in by an incoming partner isshared by the old partners in their old profit sharing ratio.False

5.When a new partner does not bring his share ofgoodwill in cash the amount is debited to his capital account. True

6.On admission, when goodwill is written off, itis to be debited to the old partner’s capital accounts in their old profitsharing ratio.True

7.When goodwill exists in the Balance Sheet at itsfull value, the incoming partner is to bring in proportionate amount of suchgoodwill as his share of premium for goodwill.False

8.In case of admission of a partner, sacrificingratio is used to distribute premium for goodwill brought in by new partner. True

9.Revaluation account or profit and lossadjustment account is a nominal account in nature. True

10.Profit or loss on revaluation of assets andliabilities is distributed among all thepartners.False

11.Profit on revaluation is credited to oldpartner’s capital accounts in their old profit sharing ratio.True

12.Increase in the value of an asset on revaluationis debited to the revaluationaccount.False,Credited

13.Increase in the value of a liability onrevaluation is debited to the revaluation account. True

14.Unrecorded assets are credited and unrecordedliabilities are debited in revaluationaccount.True

15.Accumulated profit or loss is to be distributedamong the old partners in sacrificingratio.False, Old ratio

16.Provision made against debtors is credited todebtors account.False

17.When the altered values on revaluation are notbeing taken into accounts, a memorandum Revaluation Account is opened.True

18.Revaluation account is also known as profit andloss adjustment account. True

19.The purpose of revaluation account is toascertain the profit or loss arising on account of revaluation of assets orreassessment of liabilities.True

20.A contingent liability becoming a certainliability is debited to the Revaluation account and shown in balance sheet asliability at the time of admission of a partner.True

21.In case of admission of a partner unrecordedassets are credited to revaluation account. True

22.At the time of admission of a partner, the firmis dissolved. False

23.No new partner can be admitted into apartnership without the consent of all the existing partners. False

MCQ on Admission of a Partner | Partnership Accounts MCQs | Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | PAPER 5 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING | CMA MCQ (1)

Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs)

Financial Accounting

Corporate Accounting

Departmental Accounting

Branch Accounting

Hire Purchase and Installment System

Single Entry System

Royalty Accounts

Not for Profit Organisation

Basics of Partnership

Admission of a Partner

Dissolution of Firms

Issue of Shares

Issue and Redemption of Debentures

Bonus and Rights Shares

Buy Back of Shares

Redemption of Preference Shares

Internal Reconstruction

External Reconstruction

Accounts of Holding Companies

Corporate Accounting 500 MCQs

Management Accounting

Chapter Wise MCQs

Management Accounting MCQs

Marginal and Absorption Costing

Budget and Budgetary Control

Standard Costing

Ratio Analysis

Cash Flow Statement

Funds Flow Statement

Financial Statement and Financial Statements Analysis

1. Auditing MCQs

2. Business Communication

3. Company Law

4. Financial Accounting

5. Indian Financial System

6. Income Tax

7. Business Laws

8. Financial Management

9. Human Resource Management

B. Fill in the blank with appropriateword or words:

1.Share of goodwill brought in cash by the newpartner is known aspremium for goodwill.

2.Premium for goodwill brought in by the incomingpartner is acompensationfor the loss suffered by theold partners in terms of share in profits.

3.The value of goodwill varies on the basisofprofitsof the business.

4.Revaluation account is anominalaccount.

5.Reduction in provision for bad debts willbecreditedto the Revaluation A/c.

6.Old ratio itself is thesacrificeratiounless there is a change of profit sharing ratio among the old partners.

7.Calculation of sacrificing ratio is necessarywhen the new partner brings inhis share of goodwillincash.

8.As per AS 26, onlypurchasedgoodwillwill be recorded in the books of account.

9.The ratio in which the old partners surrendertheir share profits in favour of the new partner is calledsacrificeratio.

10.When the book values of the assets andliabilities are not to be revised,memorandum revaluation accountisprepared.

11.Staff provident fund is aliability.

12.Profits or losses arise on the revaluation ofassets and liabilities are shared by theoldpartner’sinold ratio.

13.If at the time of admission the revaluation a/cshows a profit it should be creditedto old partner’s capital account in old ratio.

14.If at the time of admission the revaluation a/cshows a loss it should be debited toold partner’s capital account in oldratio.

15.Arevaluationaccountis to be opened when the values of assets and liabilities are required to bealtered.

16.Goodwill is anintangibleasset.

17.Memorandum RevaluationAccountis opened when after revaluation the values of assets and liabilities are keptunaltered.

18.When goodwill appears in the Balance Sheet atit* full value, premium brought in by the new partner iscredited toCapital Account of the new partner.

19.If the new partner brings his share of goodwillin cash it will be shared by old partners insacrifice ratio.

20.On admission, a new partner gets two rightsviz-right to assets andright to share profits.

21.Assessed value of reputation of a business isknown asgoodwill.

22.Extra earning capacity of a firm is knownasGoodwill.

23.A new partner may be admitted in a partnershipfirm with the consent ofall the existing partners.

24.The document containing terms and conditions iscalled thePartnership Deed.

25.The registration of a partnership firm isvoluntary.

26.In case of admission of a partner, the incoming partnerhas to pay his share of premium to the old partner inhis ratio ofgain.

27.Goodwill is written off in theOldratioin case of partnership after the admission of newpartner.

28.If a partner takes over a liability of the firm,the partner’s capital account iscredited.

29.If a partner takes over an asset of the firm,the partner’s capital account isdebited.

Also Read: Theory Questionson admission of a partner

C. Choose thecorrect alternative:

1. At the time of admission of a newpartner

a) Old firm has to be dissolved.

b) Old partnershiphas to be dissolved.

c) Both the old firm and partnershiphave to be dissolved.

d) Neither the firm nor thepartnership has to be dissolved.

2. When a new partner does not bringhis share of goodwill in cash, the amount of premium is debited to:

a) Premium account.

b) Cash account.

c) Capital accountof the new partner.

d) Capital account of all thepartners.

3. Premium of goodwill brought incash by a new partner on admission is shared by old partners in:

a) Sacrificingratio.

b) Capital ratio.

c) New profit sharing ratio.

d) Old profit sharing ratio.

4. Profit on revaluation of assetsand liabilities is shared by old partners in:

a) New ratio.

b) Sacrificing ratio.

c) Capital ratio.

d) Old ratio.

5. The sacrifice of the old partnersis equal to

a) Their new ratio.

b) Their old ratio.

c) New ratio-Old ratio.

d) Old ratio-Newratio.

6. Profit or loss on revaluation istransferred to partners’ capital accounts in:

a) Old ratio.

b) New ratio.

c) Equal ratio.

d) Capital ratio.

7. Premium brought in cash by the newpartner on admission is credited to

a) Premium for goodwill account.

b) Cash account.

c) Capital account of all thepartners.

d) Capital accountof the old partners.

8. At the time of admission, generalreserve is transferred to

a) Revaluation A/c

b) Old partners’capital A/c

c) New partners’ capital A/c

d) All the partners’ capital A/c

9. The balance of memorandumrevaluation account (second part), is transferred to the capital accounts ofthe partners in:

a) Capital ratio.

b) Old profit sharing ratio.

c) New profitsharing ratio.

d) Sacrificing ratio.

10. When a new partner brings inpremium, the same is credited to:

a) Cash Account.

b) Premium forGoodwill Account.

c) Capital Account

11. In case of admission of a newpartner.

a) The firm is dissolved.

b) The partnershipis dissolved.

c) Both the partnership and the firmare dissolved.

12. When a new partner is admitted, itrequires the consent of

a) All thepartners.

b) Majority of the partners.

c)Anyone of the partners.

13. In case of admission of a partnerunrecorded assets are:

a) Shown on the credit side ofrevaluation account

b) Shown as asset in balance sheet

c) All of the above (a & b)

d) None of the above

14. In case of admission of a partner,the entry for unrecorded investments will be:

a) Investment A/cdebit, revaluation A/c credit

b) Investment A/c debit, partner’scapital A/c credit

c)CashA/c debit, Revaluation A/c credit

15.Cantwo companies enter into partnership?



16.If atthe time of admission there is some unrecorded liability, it will be:

a)Creditedto Revaluation Account

b)Shownas liability in Balance sheet of the new firm

c)All of the above (a & b)

d)Noneof the above

Also Read: Theory Questionson admission of a partner

MCQ on Admission of a Partner | Partnership Accounts MCQs | Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | PAPER 5 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING | CMA MCQ (2024)


What is a partnership in Mcq? ›

MCQ Partnership. When two or more people agree to build an enterprise and share its gains and losses, they are said to be in partnership. The Indian Partnership Act 1932 states partnership as the 'association between an individual who has agreed to share the profits of an enterprise carried on by every partner.

What is the liability of the partners in a partnership Mcq? ›

Explanation: A partnership firm does not have limited liability because the partners have unlimited liability.

What is the interest on partners capital for a partner mcq? ›

Interest on partner's capital is an expense to the firm and hence debited to profit and loss appropriation A/c. On the other hand it is an income for partners and hence credited to partner's capital A/c. Was this answer helpful?

What is a partner in profits only Mcq? ›

A partner who gets into an agreement to share only the profits of the partnership firm and not the losses. A Partner who is under the age of 18.

What are partners collectively called Mcq? ›

Partners are collectively known as firm and individually known as partners.

What is limited partnership Mcq? ›

A Limited Liability Partnership is a form of business that offers the benefits of both a partnership and a company. It has a legal status and its partners have liability only to the extent of capital they have invested in the firm.

Which of the following are the features of a partnership Mcq? ›

14. Which among the following are the features of a partnership firm?
  • Two or more persons are carrying common business under an agreement.
  • They are sharing profits and losses in the fixed ratio.
  • Business is carried by all or any of them acting tor all as an agent.
  • All of the above.

What is the liability of partners in a partnership quizlet? ›

What is each partner's liability in a partnership? Each partner is personally - BUT SECONDARILY - liable for partnership debts. i.e. The partnership entity's assets are sold off, then partners are personally liable for remaining debts under joint & several liability.

What are the liabilities of a partner in a partnership? ›

Partners are 'jointly and severally liable' for the firm's debts. This means that the firm's creditors can take action against any partner. Also, they can take action against more than one partner at the same time. This applies even if there is a partnership agreement that says otherwise.

Which one of the following is not an essential feature of a partnership mcq? ›

It is not mandatory for any partnership to get registered since small business find it costly to register themselves. And separate legal entity is not possible with a partnerrship because the business and the owner are same in this case. Was this answer helpful?

What is partner partnership interest? ›

What is Partner's Interest in the Partnership? This refers to the partner's share of the profits and losses, based on the terms of the partnership agreement.

Is partners capital a liability or asset? ›

Even though capital is invested in the form of cash and assets, it is still considered to be a liability. This is because the business is always in the obligation to repay the owner of the capital. So, from the perspective of accounting, capital is always a liability to the business.

What are the two types of partners in a partnership? ›

Partnerships come in two varieties: general partnerships and limited partnerships. In a general partnership, the partners manage the company and assume responsibility for the partnership's debts and other obligations. A limited partnership has both general and limited partners.

How many types of partners are there in partnership? ›

The three different types of partnership are: General partnership. Limited partnership. Limited liability partnerships.

What are different types of partners? ›

Types of Partners
  • Active Partner: ...
  • Dormant or Sleeping partner: ...
  • Nominal partner:
  • A nominal partner neither owns the firm in any way nor does he make any decisions related to the company's affairs. ...
  • Partner by Estoppel: ...
  • Secret partner: ...
  • Partner in profits only: ...
  • Minor partner:
May 29, 2022

What are partners called in a partnership? ›

The most common type of partner is a general partner, who actively manages and exercises control over the business operations. Limited partners have limited legal liability. This type of partner cannot manage or exercise control over the business.

What is called jointly the partners? ›

Definition of 'joint partner'

1. a person who shares the ownership of a firm or business equally with another or others. Father and son were joint partners in the Penthouse Club in Pitt Street. 2. a country or organization which works or does business with another country or organization.

What is every partner in a general partnership ____________? ›

Partners in a general partnership have shared liability for the debts and obligations of the business. Every partner agrees to unlimited personal liability for their actions, the actions of all other partners, and those of any and all employees.

What is limited liability Mcq? ›

a) Limited liability refers to how much the directors have to contribute in the event of the company becoming insolvent.

Is partnership limited or unlimited? ›

General partnership

A partnership has an unlimited liability arrangement, so any debts incurred by the business are the responsibility of its owners. Additionally, a partnership pays no taxes on the income it generates, as its owners pay income tax and national insurance on their individual shares of the profits.

What is limited partnership answer? ›

A limited partnership (LP) is a business entity with at least one general partner (who has unlimited personal liability) and one limited partner (whose liability is limited to their investment in the company).

What are main partnership characteristics? ›

There must be two or more persons. There must be an agreement.. There must be sharing of profits of business. There must be a mutual agency, i.e., the business must be either carried on by all or any of them acting for all.

What are characteristics of partnership elements? ›

Thus as per the above definition, there are 5 elements which constitute of a partnership namely: (1) There must be a contract; (2) between two or more persons; (3) who agree to carry on a business; (4) with the object of sharing profits and (5) the business must be carried on by all or any of them acting for all.

What is one feature of a partnership? ›

In a general partnership, all parties share legal and financial liability equally. The individuals are personally responsible for the debts the partnership takes on. Profits are also shared equally. The specifics of profit sharing will almost certainly be laid out in writing in a partnership agreement.

Is liability of a partner in a partnership limited? ›

Limited liability partnership (LLP) is a type of general partnership where every partner has a limited personal liability for the debts of the partnership. Partners will not be liable for the tortious damages of other partners but potentially for the contractual debts depending on the state.

What are the liability of most partners in limited partnership? ›

Limited partners invest in an LP and have little to no control over the management of the entity, but their liability is limited to their personal investment. Meanwhile, general partners manage and run the LP, but their liability is unlimited.

What do limited partners do? ›

The Limited partners are usually investors who have no particular expertise in the business operations. They are usually investors seeking investment opportunities with the hope of earning a meaningful return on their investment in a successful venture.

How are losses and liabilities shared in partnership? ›

In the general partnership, the limited liability partnership, the limited liability limited partnership and the limited partnership, profits and losses are passed through to the partners as specified in the partnership agreement. If left unspecified, profits and losses are shared equally among the partners.

What is an example of a liability partnership? ›

Examples of Limited Liability Partnerships

Common businesses that become LLPs are law firms, accounting firms, and doctor offices because multiple partners are involved in the business.

Which of the following is not mandatory for partnership? ›

It is not mandatory to register a partnership firm as per the provisions of the Partnership Act, 1932. However, it is better to register a partnership firm. If the firm is not registered it cannot avail any legal benefits provided to the firm under the Partnership Act, 1932.

What is the interest on capital for a partner? ›

The rate of interest on partners capital should not be higher than 12%. If the interest paid exceeds 12% of the capital, the excess is disallowed. It is not permissible if the tax is paid on a presumptive basis under sections 44AD or 44ADA.

Which of the following is not recorded in the partner's current accounts? ›

In normal trading circ*mstances, withdrawal of capital would not be found in a partner's current account.

What are the 3 P's of partnership? ›

The 3 Ps for Partner Managed Services: Platform, Preference, and Performance.

What are the three types of partners? ›

There are three relatively common partnership types: general partnership (GP), limited partnership (LP) and limited liability partnership (LLP).

What is adjusted basis in partnership? ›

The adjusted basis of a partner's interest in a partnership is determined without regard to any amount shown in the partnership books as the partner's “capital”, “equity”, or similar account. For example, A contributes property with an adjusted basis to him of $400 (and a value of $1,000) to a partnership.

Do partners own the assets in the partnership? ›

Ownership of Assets/Distribution of Profits: Partners generally do not own the assets of the business personally -- depending on state law, either the partnership itself owns all business assets or the partners are co-owners of partnership property.

Does the partner have a liability? ›

Liability of partners shall be limited except in case of unauthorized acts, fraud and negligence. But a partner shall not be personally liable for the wrongful acts or omission of any other partner.

What is current account in partnership? ›

In partnership account, partners withdraw some amount on time to time basis for their personal use. To record all such transactions a separate account is opened in the books of account. This account is called as partners current account.

Are there two basic types of partners? ›

The best way to start talking about a partnership business is to talk about the two types of partners: general partners and limited partners.

Can a partnership have 4 partners? ›

There are 2 common types of partnerships: General partnership involves 2 or more general partners who share equal rights and responsibilities in managing the business. Limited partnership involves at least one general partner and limited partner(s).

Can a partnership have 3 owners? ›

A business with two or more owners can be a partnership. Much like a sole proprietorship, forming a general partnership does not require filing any documents or taking any specific action.

Can a partnership have 4 members? ›

An LLC partnership can have two or more owners, called members. Limited liability companies with multiple members are referred to as multi-member LLCs or LLC partnerships.

What are the rules of partners? ›

Are there rules on how partnerships are run? The only requirement is that in the absence of a written agreement, partners don't draw a salary and share profits and losses equally. Partners have a duty of loyalty to the other partners and must not enrich themselves at the expense of the partnership.

What are key partners examples? ›

Key partners are the companies or people your business works with to create a strategic relationship. A few examples of key partners are suppliers or distribution partners in the supply chain.

What is the definition of a partnership? ›

"Partnership" is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all.

What is partnership in short answer? ›

A partnership is a form of business where two or more people share ownership, as well as the responsibility for managing the company and the income or losses the business generates.

What is a partnership in? ›

A partnership is the relationship between two or more people to do trade or business. Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and shares in the profits and losses of the business. Publication 541, Partnerships, has information on how to: Form a partnership.

What is the definition of partnership quizlet? ›

Partnership. A an agreement between two or more people to carry on business as co-owners, have right to share control and profits. Agreement can be express or implied.

What are two types of partnership? ›

There are three relatively common partnership types: general partnership (GP), limited partnership (LP) and limited liability partnership (LLP). A fourth, the limited liability limited partnership (LLLP), is not recognized in all states.

What is simple partnership example? ›

For example, let's say that Dottie and Dave decide to open a clothing store. They decide to name the store D.D.'s Duds. Dottie and Dave don't need to do anything special in order to form a general partnership. Once Dottie and Dave agree to form the business, it's automatically considered to be a general partnership.

Why is a partnership so called? ›

An Introduction. A partnership is a form of business which enables two or more persons to co-own an organization, and they agree to share the profits and losses of the company. Each member of such a business is called a Partner, and collectively they are known as a partnership firm.

What is the rule of partnership? ›

Therefore, a partnership consists of three essential elements. A partnership must be a result of an agreement between two or more individuals. The agreement must be built to share the profits obtained from the business. The business must be run by all or any of them representing the rest.

Who owns what in a partnership? ›

An owner of a partnership is any general or limited partner who has direct or indirect (as defined below) ownership of a percentage of the partnership's capital. An interest or share of only profits and/or losses is not ownership of capital. Additionally, wages are not capital.

What are the liabilities of a partner? ›

25. Liability of a partner for acts of the firm Every partner is liable, jointly with all the other partners and also severally, for all acts of the firm done while he is a partner.

What are the elements of a partnership? ›

The Indian Partnership Act of 1932 details various elements included in a partnership. It mentions five aspects or elements of a partnership. They are partnership contracts, several participants, carrying on of a business, mutual agency, and profit-sharing terms.

What are advantages of partnership? ›

Advantages of a partnership include that: two heads (or more) are better than one. your business is easy to establish and start-up costs are low. more capital is available for the business. you'll have greater borrowing capacity.

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