Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (2024)


This article throws light upon the top ten methods used for measuring birth rate. The methods are: 1. Crude Birth Rate 2. Corrected Birth Rate 3. General Fertility Rate 4. Age Specific Fertility 5. Total Fertility Rate 6. Gross Reproduction Rate 7. Net Reproduction Rate 8. Completed Fertility Rate 9. Standardised Fertility Rate (SFR) 10. Cohort Fertility Rate (CFR).

Method # 1. Crude Birth Rate:

The number of births per thousand in a given year is called crude birth rate, which is related to the total population. In the words of Thomson and Lewis, “The crude birth rate for any specified population is obtained by dividing the number of births recorded in that population during a specified year by its total numbers, which gives a fraction of birth per person.”


Crude Birth Rate or CBR = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (1) x K


B = Total live births during a given year

P – Total population at the middle of the same year.

K= 1000


In other words,

Crude Birth Rate = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (2) x1000

If the population of any area is 50,000 and the number of children born are 700 then,

Crude Birth rate = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (3) x 1000= 14.

It shows that the crude birth rate per 1000 population is 14.

Crude or natural birth rates are different in any country at different times, because crude birth rate is calculated after a particular month of the year. Moreover, the data for live births is based on the registered births, but all births are not registered generally.

Further, this measure of crude birth rate is not satisfactory because fertility is related to women and not to the whole population. Thus it is only a crude measure of fertility of a country.

Method # 2. Corrected Birth Rate:

Many a time in under-developed countries and especially in rural areas, corrected birth rate is sought, which is always greater than the crude birth rate. Corrected birth rate takes into account the registered births. The registration regarding birth in the rural area is not done properly by the concerned officials.


Often children die as soon as they are born. At that time, the registration regarding birth and death is essential, but it remains unnoticed. At times, when the assumed population is added to the crude birth rate, it is called corrected birth rate. Assume that in a population of 50,000 after 700 births, there occur 50 more births, then the corrected birth rate will be in the following way:

Corrected Birth Rate =Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (4) x 1000

It means

Corrected Birth Rate= Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (5) x 1000= 15

Thus the crude birth rate is 14 and the corrected birth rate is 15 per 1000 people which is greater.

Method # 3. General Fertility Rate:

The number of children born per year per thousand females in the age group of 15-49 years, is called the General Fertility Rate. In the words of Thomson and Lewis, “General Fertility Rate denotes the number of births per thousand women of child bearing age.”

It is calculated as follows:

General Fertility Rate or GFR=Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (6)x K


B = Total live births during a given year.

PF= Number of females of age group 15-49 years.

K= 1000

In other words,

General Fertility Rate =Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (7)x 1000

If the number of females of age group 15-49 years in an area is 5000 and the total of live births is 200 in a year, then

GFR = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (8)x 1000 = 40

It indicates that there are 40 births per 1000 women in the child bearing age group.

Thomson and Lewis regard this measure better than the crude birth rate on two counts: First, it eliminates the influence of differences between males and females in the total population; and second, it eliminates differences in the proportion of women in 15-49 age group.

But this measure of birth rate has also certain weaknesses. The general fertility rate ignores the different child-bearing ages of women. In fact, the fecundity of women is low in the age group 15-19 years, high in the age group 20-29 when they are married and then starts declining till they reach 45 or 49.

Moreover, all women do not give birth to a child. In a country like India, some are widows and a few barren. Many prefer to remain unmarried or do not want to have a child in developed countries. According to Thomson and Lewis, the general fertility rate is usually four to five times high where the number of women in the child-bearing age is more. For the above reasons, this is not a true measure of birth rate.

Method # 4. Age Specific Fertility:

Age specific fertility rate is another refinement of birth rate. When the number of live births to women of definite age group per year is divided by the total number of females of that age group only and multiplied by 1000, we get the age specific fertility rate. It can be shown in formula as

Age Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR) = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (9)x K


Bf = Number of live births to women of a specific age group

PF = Mid-year women population in the same age group

K = 1000

In other words,

ASFR =Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (10)X 1000

If the number of live births to women in the age group 25-29 is = 200 and the number of women in this age group is — 1200

Then the Age Specific Fertility Rate = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (11) x 1000 = 166.7

In computing the age specific fertility rate, the age group of 5 years interval is taken. This measure of fertility rate is considered better than other measures because

(i) it provides age specific fertility rates for different age groups;

(ii) it shows changes in the reproductive capacity of women in different age groups;

(iii) it helps in analysing the frequency distribution of births among women in age specific groups;

(iv) a few stages can be outlined in the reproductive capacity of different age groups of women;

(v) we can also calculate age specific fertility rate in relation to only married women which is called age specific marital fertility rate;

(vi) it is the basis of calculating the total fertility rate; and

(vii) it helps the state in formulating policy with regard to the female marriage age.

Method # 5. Total Fertility Rate:

The total fertility rate is the sum of age specific fertility rates of women in all age specific groups. The formula is

Sum of age specific fertility rate x Magnitude of the age group

Total Fertility Rate = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (12)

It can be understood with the help of the following hypothetical table.

Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (13)

Total fertility Rate = 1956x 5 Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (14)1000= 9.78

The total fertility rate is a hypothetical rate that indicates “the total number of children that would ever be born to a group of women, if the group passed through its reproductive span of life with these birth rates in each year of age.”

This rate is based on the assumption that women in the hypothetical age group would live till they reach the end of the reproductive period. It is a useful device for comparing the reproductive capacity of women in different age groups.

Method # 6. Gross Reproduction Rate:

The gross reproduction rate relates the fertility rate to female births only. It is defined as the number of girls which are expected to be born to 1000 females passing through their child bearing years.

The gross reproduction rate is calculated from the total fertility rate in the following manner:

Gross Reproduction Rate (GPR) = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (15)x Total fertility rate.

If the number of live births in a year is 25 crore, out of this 12 crore are female births and the total fertility rate is 9.78, then

Gross Reproduction Rate = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (16)x9.78= 4.69

This measure of fertility is based on the following assumptions:

(a) the age specific birth rates are constant for a given year;

(b) no woman dies during the child bearing age; and

(c) all girls survive.

These are unrealistic assumptions which ignore the current mortality rates of both present mothers and potential mothers. The net reproduction rate tries to remove these defects.

Method # 7. Net Reproduction Rate:

The net reproduction rate takes into account the complete reproduction period. The net reproduction rate is a good method of measuring birth rate which is based on reality. For the net increase in population growth, generally we consider factors responsible for increase in birth rate and decrease in death rate, but many a time, it also happens that if the girl dies before attaining maternity, the population will not increase.

Similarly, if the death rate is higher than the birth rate, even then there will be no increase in population. To understand this, it is necessary to know the net reproduction rate.

The net reproduction rate is the rate at which the newly born girls replace their mothers. It can be expressed as

No. of females expected to be born to 1000 newly born girls

Net Reproduction Rate = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (17)

For example, if 1000 females give birth to 1 girl each and 1000 girls are born and if these girls live till fertility, the net reproduction rate becomes 1000/1000 = 1.

Now, if the number of girls comes to 1200, this rate will be 1200/1000 = 12.

Against this, if this number becomes 800, then the net reproduction rate will become 800/1000 = 0.8 which means that the fertility rate is decreasing in the country.

This measure of fertility is also defective because it assumes that both birth and death rates remain constant during a generation. This is unrealistic. In fact, both birth and death rates are liable to change. Therefore, Thomson and Lewis opine that “these rates should not be used in making a prognosis of probable future growth of population.”

Method # 8. Completed Fertility Rate:

Generally, 15-49 years are considered to be the age of female fertility. But many a time a girl below 15 years of age and a women of more than 49 years may give birth to a child. Thus completed fertility rate measures the total number of live births per 1000 women of child bearing age, including widows and unmarried women. Thus

Completed Fertility Rate (CFR) = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (18)x 1000

Method # 9. Standardised Fertility Rate (SFR):

The standardised fertility rate measures the age specific birth rates of two populations of different areas in order to convert them into a common standard. To calculate SFR, the number of females in one million population in a specific year is multiplied by their age specific birth rates which are then added to calculate the total number of births in all age groups 15-49 years.

This number is then multiplied by 1000 and divided by 10, 00,000 (1 million) which gives the standard fertility rate.

Suppose we want to find out SFRs of two towns A and B. The total calculated number of births of A town are 26,500 and of town B are 24,100, their standard fertility rates as per the following formula are

SFR= Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (19)

SFR of Town A = Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (20) = 26.5

SFR of Town B=Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (21) = 24.1

SFR reveals that the fertility in town A is 9.96% higher than in town B.

Method # 10. Cohort Fertility Rate (CFR):

The cohort fertility rate measures the average number of children who would be born to a cohort of women during their child bearing years 15-49 in a given year. To find CFR, the number of births occurring to women in each age group in the cohort are required.

This is calculated in the same manner as the age specific birth rate. If/ƒ(n) is the ability of a woman of a given cohort to give birth at age n, then the average number of births for that cohort is

Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (22)

where Σ (sigma) denotes the summing of age specific birth rates for ages 15 through 49. If CFR = 4.5, it means that women of that cohort would have an average of 4.5 births, had they lived through the age of 49 years.

As in the case of age specific fertility rate, this measure also assumes that the cohort of women does not experience any mortality and females of ages below 15 years and above 49 years do not give births.

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Measuring Birth Rate: Top 10 Methods (2024)


What are the methods of birth rate? ›

Human birth rate is stated as the number of individuals born per year per 1000 in the population. For example, if 35 births occur per year per 1000 individuals, the birth rate is 35. Often this rate is expressed as a percentage, in this case 3.5 per 100, or 3.5%.

What are the different types of measurement of fertility rate? ›

These include Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR), and Net Reproduction Rate (NRR).

What are the 4 factors that influence birth rate? ›

This post will examine four factors that influence the total fertility rate (TFR), including a female's age when she has her first child, educational opportunities for females, access to family planning, and government acts and policies that affect childbearing.

Is the most common method to measure fertility? ›

By far the most common, widely used and "accepted" measure of fertility is theTotal Fertility Rate (TFR).

What are 3 factors that affect birth rate? ›

Factors Affecting Fertility
  • Age. Female age is the most important factor affecting fertility. ...
  • Previous Pregnancy. ...
  • Duration of subfertility. ...
  • Timing and Frequency of Sexual Intercourse. ...
  • Lifestyle Factors.
  • Weight. ...
  • Smoking. ...
  • Caffeine.

What is the factor of measuring birth rate? ›

It is the average number of the children born in a country compared to the rest of the population. In other words, it is the number of births for every 1000 people in the country.
The Birth Rate.
Birth rate=Number of live birthsX 1000
Total population

How many types of measuring methods are there? ›

Direct method of measurement. Fundamental method of measurement. Substitution method of measurement. Comparison method of measurement.

What are the three measures of fertility rate? ›

Three of the most commonly used indicators are the general fertility rate (GFR), completed fertility, and the total fertility rate (TFR).

What are the different types of measures in experiments? ›

You can see there are four different types of measurement scales (nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio). Each of the four scales, respectively, typically provides more information about the variables being measured than those preceding it.

What are the 4 main factors in a populations growth rate? ›

Population growth is determined by rates of birth, death, immigration, and emigration.

What factors increase birth rates? ›

Factors associated with increased fertility
  • The mother's preference of family size, which influences that of the children through early adulthood. ...
  • Social pressure from kin and friends to have another child.
  • Social support. ...
  • Happiness, with happier people tending to want more children.
  • A secure housing situation.

What are the 6 factors that affect population size? ›

Population growth rate is affected by birth rates, death rates, immigration, and emigration. If a population is given unlimited amounts of food, moisture, and oxygen, and other environmental factors, it will show exponential growth.

What are the 3 methods to predict ovulation? ›

Table 1
CostDetect before ovulation
Urinary LHLow cost of kitsYes
Computerized monitor (urinary LH + E1‐3‐G)Moderate cost of deviceYes
Basal body temperatureLow cost of thermometerNo
Cervical mucusNo costYes
6 more rows

What are the two most important determinants of fertility rate? ›


In pretransition societies, the two most important of the proximate determinants of the overall level of fertility are marriage patterns and breastfeeding patterns.

What is the most reliable method to determine ovulation? ›

Ovulation predictor kits are considered one of the most accurate methods of predicting ovulation. Similar to home pregnancy urine tests, ovulation test strips measure your luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and show a particular color when these levels surge.

What are two factors that cause the birth rate to fall? ›

For the last 70 years, fertility rates have decreased worldwide, with a total 50% decline. Reasons include women's empowerment in education and the workforce, lower child mortality and the increased cost of raising children.

What are the 3 factors of population growth? ›

Factors Affecting Population Growth. According to demographers — people who study the growth, density, and other characteristics of the population — there are three major factors that affect population growth. These factors are fertility rate, life expectancy, and net immigration levels.

What are the four techniques for measuring fertility? ›

There are a number of different approaches to measuring fertility rate—such as crude birth rate (CBR), general fertility rate (GFR), child-woman ratio (CWR), total fertility rate (TFR), gross reproduction rate (GRR), and net reproduction rate (NRR).

What are the major determinants of fertility? ›

  • Marriage & Contraception. Our first proximate determinant of fertility is the percentage of married women in a population. ...
  • Fecundability & Infecundability. Our third proximate determinant of fertility is that of fecundability. ...
  • Sterility, Abortion, & Miscarriage.
Nov 18, 2021

What do you mean by birth rate and how it measured? ›

The birth rate is the ratio between the number of live-born births in the year and the average total population of that year.

What are the 4 common types of measurement? ›

Psychologist Stanley Stevens developed the four common scales of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio.

What are the 4 different measurements? ›

There are four main levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.

What is the best measure of fertility rate? ›

The fertility rate (FR) is the number of live births per 1,000 women of reproductive age (ages 15 to 49 years) per year. This is a more refined way to measure fertility than crude birth rate because the FR accounts for the percentage of women aged 15 to 49 years in a population.

How do you calculate birth rate and death rate? ›

Divide the number of births by the total population and multiply the quotient by 1,000. Death Rate: This metric is calculated the same way as with birth rate, with deaths per 1,000 persons as the numerator. Natural Increase Rate: This metric represents the percentage by which a population is increasing or decreasing.

What are the 3 types of measure? ›

Three Types of Measures

Use a balanced set of measures for all improvement efforts: outcomes measures, process measures, and balancing measures.

What are the two basic methods of measurement? ›

There are two methods for performing dimensional measurements: direct measurement and indirect measurement. With direct measurements, measuring instruments such as Vernier calipers, micrometers, and coordinate measuring machines are used to measure the dimensions of the target directly.

What are the three main types of measurement? ›

What Are the 3 Systems of Measurements? The three standard systems of measurements are the International System of Units (SI) units, the British Imperial System, and the US Customary System. Of these, the International System of Units(SI) units are prominently used.

What is used to determine the overall growth rate of a population? ›

To calculate the Population Growth (PG) we find the difference (subtract) between the initial population and the population at Time 1, then divide by the initial population and multiply by 100. The Population Growth Rate (PGR) for that period of time (10 years) was 12%.

How does birth rate affect population growth? ›

Population change is governed by the balance between birth rates and death rates. If the birth rate stays the same and the death rate decreases, then population numbers will grow. If the birth rate increases and the death rate stays the same, then population will also grow.

What are the five main factors affecting fertility rate? ›

what factors affect fertility?
  • The age of the woman. The single most important factor that affects a woman's fertility is her age (Figure 1). ...
  • The length of time trying to conceive. ...
  • Being Over or Under Weight. ...
  • The age of the man. ...
  • Hormone levels. ...
  • Issues with reproductive organs.

What age does a woman stop being fertile? ›

A woman's peak reproductive years are between the late teens and late 20s. By age 30, fertility (the ability to get pregnant) starts to decline. This decline happens faster once you reach your mid-30s. By 45, fertility has declined so much that getting pregnant naturally is unlikely.

What two things decrease a population? ›

The two factors that decrease the size of a population are mortality, which is the number of individual deaths in a population over a period of time and emigration, which is the migration of an individual from a place.

What are 2 things that decrease a population? ›

Causes of population decline
  • fewer children are born;
  • families with children move to larger towns and cities;
  • young and better-educated people move to larger towns and cities.

What are the 8 factors of population? ›

The main factors determining population distribution are : climate, landforms, topography, soil, energy and mineral resources, accessibility like distance from sea coast, natural harbours, navigable rivers or canals, cultural factors, political boundaries, controls on migration and trade, government policies, types of ...

What are my 3 most fertile days? ›

Ovulation happens about 14 days before your period starts. If your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14, and your most fertile days are days 12, 13 and 14. If your average menstrual cycle is 35 days ovulation happens around day 21 and your most fertile days are days 19,20 and 21.

What are 5 ways to detect ovulation? ›

There are several ways to detect ovulation, including urine test kits to measure LH levels, transvagin*l ultrasound, endometrial biopsy, blood tests to measure hormone levels, and the basal body temperature (BBT) chart.

What are 4 indicators of ovulation? ›

Some people experience signs and symptoms of ovulation. These can include abdominal pain or cramps, bloating, slightly elevated body temperature, changes in cervical mucus and saliva, and breast tenderness.

What is the most reliable indicator of fertility? ›

In conjunction, LH monitors and cervical mucus can give the best indication of fertility and ovulation timing.

What is the Marquette method? ›

What is the Marquette Method? The Marquette Method is a form of Natural Family Planning (NFP). The Marquette Method uses Clearblue Fertility Monitors to track women's urinary biomarkers—estrogen and luteinizing hormone levels—to precisely identify the fertile window in each menstrual cycle.

Which method is commonly called ovulation method? ›

Overview. The cervical mucus method is a type of natural family planning. Also called the Billings Ovulation Method, the cervical mucus method is based on careful observation of mucus patterns during your menstrual cycle.

What are 2 ways to lower birth rates? ›

Increased education also contributes positively to other factors that decrease fertility rates, such as higher use of contraception, better childhood health and women's participation in the workforce.

What is the most common birth rate? ›

The first known use of the term "birth rate" in English was in 1856. UN, medium variant, 2019 rev. The average global birth rate was 18.1 births per 1,000 total population in 2021.

What factors would increase birth rate? ›

Factors associated with increased fertility
  • The mother's preference of family size, which influences that of the children through early adulthood. ...
  • Social pressure from kin and friends to have another child.
  • Social support. ...
  • Happiness, with happier people tending to want more children.
  • A secure housing situation.

What are the methods used to control population? ›

The different methods of population control in human beings are Contraception, Child Tax, One-Child Policy, Sterilization, Medical Abortion, Family Planning, etc.

What are two factors affecting the birth rate of a population? ›

Fertility rates also may be influenced by infant mortality rates, women's participation in the labor market, income levels and social status, among other factors.

What two strategies have proven successful to lower birth rates? ›

AP Human Geography Chapter 2
what are 2 strategies that have been successful in reducing birth rates-distribution of contraceptives -emphasizes reliance on economic development
what is one approach to empowering womenemphasizing improving local economic conditions
154 more rows

What's the rarest birthday? ›

December 25 (Christmas Day) is the least common birthday, while January 1 (New Year's Day) is the second least common. December 24 (Christmas Eve) also makes the list as the 3rd least common birthday while July 4 (Independence Day) is the 4th least common birthday.

What is the most rare birthday? ›

February 29 has the lowest total number of births over the twenty year period because it only occurs once every 4 years. However, the average number of births on February 29 takes into account the day only occurs on a leap year, resulting in a value just under the overall daily average.

What is the rarest birthday month? ›

What's the rarest month to be born in? According to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Social Security Administration (SSA), the rarest month to be born in is February, making Aquarius the rarest zodiac sign.

What are the 4 causes of population growth? ›

Causes of population of growth:
  • (1) In older days many deaths occurred due to diseases. ...
  • (2) Development in agriculture, better techniques to grow more and better quality food.
  • (3) Food available at all the times due to better storage conditions.

What are the 5 factors that affect population growth? ›

Factors that affect population growth are:
  • Age of organisms at first reproduction.
  • How often an organism reproduces.
  • The number of offspring of an organism.
  • The presence or absence of parental care.
  • How long an organism is able to reproduce.
  • The death rate of offspring.
Mar 23, 2020

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