Social media versus print media | Kettle Mag (2024)

For almost a decade, social media has been a catalysis of change in the way we communicate and spread news throughout the world. Its growth and influence on the way news organisations have evolved strengthens by the day, as most people have various social media accounts on huge platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to name a few.

Social media’s rise to internet domination has seen a large chunk of news organisations incorporate online into its readership. As some have even made the full switch from print to online the golden age of journalism, where hundreds of print dailies would compete with each other, has since become a thing of the past.

In an article for the Huffington Post about the golden age and decline in print media, author Tom Engelhardt wrote: “In the golden years, newspaper advertising took a terrible hit, circulation declined and bankruptcies were the order of the day.”

In today’s world digital born media companies like the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed and Vice are threatening the dominance of traditional, and broadcast news organisations, such as the BBC and CNN. The growing dominance of smart phones, tablets, and the wireless networks that connects them, mean that more and more people are viewing media on a digital device.

A report by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxfordin 2015 found that the internet and TV are the most common way to access news, while social media is rocketing as a news source.

According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, British newspaper The Sun’s print readership has fallen from 3,006,565 (2010) to 1,787,096 in today’s market. In this example of social media’s reach perhaps what we should focus on is not the extent of such a decrease in circulation, but rather that people are still buying The Sun, and newspapers in general, suggesting that print is still very much alive and kicking.

Two sides of the news cycle

Many people argue that print will never truly be eradicated because it offers readers a completely different experience to social media. When you purchase a newspaper it’s yours forever, you’re free to collect, hoard and share it as you see fit. Furthermore readers gain a sensory experience with newspapers and studies have shown that we retain knowledge and experiences better through physical interaction.

Although newspapers contain adverts they’re easier on the eyes as ads aren’t continuously popping up on the already cramped screen of your smartphone. In newspapers news is also presented clearly according to news importance. Page one to six is where readers can find the most important news stories while features and sports results are found towards the back of the paper.

However, newspapers cannot keep up with the 24 hours news cycle and breaking news in the way social media does. Nor can it offer instant features, infographics, visuals, videos and public opinion in the way social media does from the Twittersphere, meaning its readership is limited.

In contrast social media offers a new level of interactivity and discussion as well as an audience with anyone who uses a social media platform. With social media you get readership feedback, user generated content, and social sharing as well as a means to read breaking news on the go in a world that doesn’t stop moving.

One thing print media trumps social media on is credibility as with social media, anyone has the potential to be heard. This allows people to share their ideas on a global scale, but can also lead to a loss of credibility if the writer is not considered an expert. Additionally some may be unaware that copying the words of someone who is not an expert is plagiarism. This highlights how popularity does not necessarily mean credibility.

A golden age of news

Steve Harrison, an academic in social media journalism at Liverpool John Moores University, believes the issue of social media vs print is a huge topic that often overlooks how, in general, social media is used to share news but not to originate it.

He said: “If it wasn’t for print media, there would be no news to share! Social media is a stronger platform for the distribution of news –it’s cheaper, quicker and has a greater reach than print- but print media is stronger for the creation of news content, it is where the majority of news stories are originated, researched and written.”

Mr Harrison believes the new challenge for print media to stay alive is determining how to make money when many advertisers are focused on online advertising.

He said: “Most news organisations will make use of social media in order to get their content shared but of course they don’t own these platforms so don’t make any money out of them. The future of news organisations may eventually be like that of the Independent – to switch to an online-only version. This will cut costs but whether this will generate enough revenue remains to be seen. However, I do think print newspapers will be around for some time yet.”

In the battle of social media vs print media there may not be a majority winner, as both news platforms are still sought after by the public and together have arguably created a new golden era of news.

What do you think? What influence has social media had on news? Have your say in the comments section below.

Social media versus print media | Kettle Mag (2024)


Which is better print media or social media? ›

Print media is more trustworthy because once the news is published; it cannot be modified or deleted. Whereas in digital media, we can modify or delete the contents.

What is the difference between social media and paper media? ›

Traditional media only support one-way communication. On the contrary, social media lets people communicate in two-way. It means unlike traditional media, social media users can leave reactions, comments, etc. Traditional media usually come in only one format.

Which is more reliable print media or online media? ›

Advantages of print over digital media

Despite all these, print media are considered more trustworthy than digital media because the latter churns out fake news incessantly as there are no gatekeeping strategies in them.

Why print media is more accurate? ›

Print media, however, is a concrete source of information – once you purchase it, it's yours to hold and keep, and it can't be erased from existence. This solidity builds inherent trust in printed forms of communication. Similarly, once print media has been published, it can't (easily) be changed.

How effective is print media? ›

In addition to the sensory aspects, print media is widely considered more credible than digital media. People who subscribe to magazines and newspapers do so for a reason — they believe the information contained in the publication is accurate, credible and provides them with some benefit.

Why online is better than print? ›

Online articles are written specifically for the web and tend to be more concise than print, as it makes it easier to read and scan on a computer screen. Print publications can provide opportunities for longer, more in-depth feature articles.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media? ›

Top 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media
Pros of Social MediaCons of Social Media
People Can Connect Through Social MediaReduces Face-to-face Communication Skills
Good Source of Up-to-Date InformationFake News
Social Media Is Beneficial to EducationPeople's Addiction to Social Media
7 more rows

What is the difference between media and print media? ›

Print media is a type of mass media that creates and distributes (publishes) the content via printed means and publications. Electronic media is a type of mass media that creates and distributes content via the electronic medium and devices associated with them. It is comparatively an earlier type of mass media.

Why print media is the best medium? ›

A study conducted by Two Sides revealed that “88 percent of respondents indicated that they understood, retained or used information better when they read print on paper.” That's because print media doesn't require readers to scroll, move and read text at the same time; we just have to turn the page.

What are the disadvantages of print media? ›

Disadvantages of Print Materials
  • No interactions. Print materials do not generally provide built-in interactions. ...
  • No audio/visual elements. Print materials are static and are not appropriate for teaching languages and visual concepts.
  • Require reading skills. ...
  • Time delay.

Which media is more effective? ›

Compared with traditional media, the Internet can provide information to individuals faster and more efficiently [58, 59] . Information media can function to spread information and educate consumers [60]. ...

What is the favor of print media? ›

Still gives a higher ROI than digital ads

There is a high tendency for print media to keep at homes and re-read and shared. Newspapers and magazines at the doctor's office, the library or public places, have a long shelf life which increases your ad's exposure.

What print media is the most credible source? ›

Why Newspapers Are the Most Credible Source for News.

Why is print media less popular? ›

The rise of digital media and technology has transformed the way we access our news and entertainment. It's also had a devastating impact on print publishing industries. The rise of digital media and technology has transformed the way we access our news and entertainment.

Will print media survive in the future? ›

The future of print media is looking to be on the rebound because of the unprecedented expansion the industry is experiencing. As print and digital merge, it does not only improve the way printing technology works, but it is useful to other industries as well.

Why is print better? ›

Print engages more senses. Paper thickness, quality, texture and scent all make print a much more visceral experience than digital media. In short, it makes readers pay more attention.

What are the five advantages of print media? ›

Benefits of Print Media
  • Higher Frequency of Viewing. One of the best benefits of print media is that it has a higher frequency opportunity of viewing than online ads. ...
  • Control over Appearance. ...
  • Holds Readers' Attention. ...
  • Credibility Increases Reader Loyalty. ...
  • Sensory Experience.
Jun 13, 2019

Do people prefer print or digital? ›

Consumers prefer to read the printed version of books (72%), magazines (72%), and newspapers/news (55%) over digital options. Many participants recorded that they enjoy reading print more than electronic devices.

Is print media still useful why or why not? ›

Research has proven that print is still an important and sought-after media in today's world, regardless of what it's used for. Millenials are reading more than previous generations at the same age, as well as appreciating the experience of physically owning a book.

What are 5 positives of social media? ›

And it's those positive aspects of social media that we're here to talk about.
  • Social Media Makes It Easier to Make Friends. ...
  • Social Media Fosters Empathy. ...
  • Social Media Allows for Speedy Communication. ...
  • Social Media Makes the World Seem Smaller. ...
  • Social Media Helps You Build Relationships. ...
  • Social Media Helps News Travel Faster.

What are 5 benefits of social media? ›

Here are five advantages of social media use:
  • Build relationships. Social media is used for more than just brand-customer interaction. ...
  • Share your expertise. You have the chance to talk about what you know and what you want to be recognized for on social media. ...
  • Increase your visibility. ...
  • Educate yourself. ...
  • Connect anytime.
Sep 20, 2022

What are the weakness of social media? ›

The more time spent on social media can lead to cyberbullying, social anxiety, depression, and exposure to content that is not age appropriate. Social Media is addicting.

What are the benefits of not using social media? ›

Benefits of quitting social media
  • You stop comparing yourself to others. ...
  • You feel greater gratitude to "real people" who reach out and connect with you. ...
  • You feel less anger. ...
  • Your productivity increases. ...
  • You won't receive as many birthday wishes, but those you do are meaningful.
May 16, 2022

Is social media best way to communicate? ›

Social media is a powerful communications medium, with widespread influence over cities as well as remote areas. However, it is only part of the digital revolution that we are witnessing.

Why is print media better than new media? ›

Print is easier to read than digital media, and you can fit more information on a page than in social media content. Advertisem*nt recall is 1.7 times higher with print, and more likely to drive action than its digital media counterpart. Digital media can never match the tactility of print media.

What is print media and examples? ›

Print media means any publication made physically available. Print media means billboards, cards, newspapers, newspaper inserts, magazines, mass mailings, pamphlets, fliers, periodicals, and outdoor advertising facilities.

What are the three advantage of print media? ›

Let's have a closer look at the benefits of print media that prove its still relevant in a digital world.
  • Less Competition. Websites and various online platforms are flooded with advertisem*nts, thus increasing the competition. ...
  • Extended Lifespan. ...
  • Wider Reach. ...
  • Increased Credibility. ...
  • Lasting Impression.
May 10, 2022

Is print media obsolete now? ›

Though more people read their news on a phone or computer rather than in paper, the print industry is still alive and well.

What are the major problems in print media? ›

Declining Readership •Readership of many forms of print media, especially newspapers, has been declining for years, and the Internet may have only accelerated this trend. Further, newspapers have largely failed to reach the younger, technologically savvy generations.

Is print media bad for the environment? ›

Deforestation is one of the biggest problems associated with the paper industry. It can affect biodiversity, soil fertility and water quality. Furthermore, trees act as carbon sinks that seques- ter carbon dioxide from t h e atmosphere and use it for photosynthesis.

What are the benefits of social media over traditional media? ›

It allows the business to spread word amongst a target demographic and has a wider reach. Another advantage of social media advertising over traditional marketing is that you will get real-time feedback from your audience. Traditional marketing would cost more money and resources.

What media is growing the fastest? ›

Among the major global platforms, Facebook and Instagram will remain firmly at the top in both total revenues and user base, and TikTok will once again be the fastest-growing platform in both areas.

What is the best advantage of media? ›

Advantages of Media

People get the most recent news quickly. Distance is not a barrier to providing knowledge to individuals from anywhere on the planet. People receive daily news updates from media sites, which keep them up to speed on current trends and occurrences worldwide. The media teaches the general public.

Why is new media better? ›

New media has the advantage of being more affordable and easier to produce and distribute. It is also more accessible, as people can access it from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection.

Is print media still useful today? ›

What is Print Media Marketing? ​​Print media is still relevant because it is a communication medium used to distribute information or advertise.

Why is print media better than non print media? ›

Print media is usually more reliable and complete.

Take one look at the University Library. It is highly unlikely that all the historical texts contained in the library have non-print versions. It would take a long time for the collection of non-print media to be consolidated.

Why do people prefer printed books? ›

Users are easily distracted on their devices, multitasking is widespread, and screens make us skim rather than read in-depth. A linguistics professor at American University found that 92% of college students polled said they concentrated better when studying with paper books.

What are the 5 disadvantages of digital printing? ›

Cons of digital printing.
  • the range of printable fabrics is more limited than with screen printing.
  • the print is not so durable.
  • the colour white cannot usually be reproduced within the print.
  • due to fixed pricing, bulk printing does not offer scaled cost reductions.
Sep 14, 2018

What is more sustainable print or digital? ›

Digital Printing and Your Brand

Plus, compared to analogue, or conventional printing, digital printing is a far more sustainable option since it uses less energy, produces less waste, and has a smaller carbon footprint overall.

What is replacing print media? ›

Digital technologies – Internet, social media, e-books – are replacing the printing industry. Almost all communication channels that use paper as a medium to some extent are affected by the digital revolution.

Is print dead 2023? ›

In a world where technology is constantly evolving and digital marketing is becoming more prevalent, it's easy to assume that traditional marketing methods, such as print, are becoming obsolete. But the truth is, print is far from dead in 2023.

Is there a future for print media? ›

Unfortunately, recent studies suggest that the global print market is expected to decline this year from $31.84 billion in 2021 to $31.64 billion, eventually hitting $28.4 billion in 2026. With that being said, there is still ample opportunity for brands to reach their target audience through print advertising.

What are 2 disadvantages of print media? ›

Disadvantages of Print Materials
  • No interactions. Print materials do not generally provide built-in interactions. ...
  • No audio/visual elements. Print materials are static and are not appropriate for teaching languages and visual concepts.
  • Require reading skills. ...
  • Time delay.

What are the main problems of print media? ›

The shortcomings of Print Media are: 1) In terms of time the print media is slow in providing information. Because print media cannot disseminate news directly to the public and must wait for print. 2) Print media can only be in the form of writing.

Does anyone buy magazines anymore? ›

Print Magazine Readership

More adults reported reading physical/printed magazines (68.5%) than print newspapers (61.6%), but they tend to read them slightly less frequently.

Is print media disappearing? ›

Prior to that steep decline, newspapers' weekday circulation had fallen 7% and Sunday circulation 4% in the United States, their greatest declines since 2010. If the trend continues, a third of newspapers will be lost by 2025, according to the 2022 study published by Northwestern University.

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.