Top 10 Bid Management Tools (2024)

Top 10 Bid Management Tools (3)

Pay per click ads have played a larger role in online marketing in recent years, which has led to the introduction of bid management tools. We could go through every campaign and optimize bidding manually, but that would take several hours (hours that even the biggest businesses don’t have!). With bid management, businesses can optimize their campaigns and avoid wasting money, all with very little effort.

Top 10 Bid Management Tools (4)

Before we suggest ten of our favorite bid management tools in the industry, we first want to explain the basics and what you can expect from this type of platform. As we explained in the introduction, these tools will allow you to optimize the bidding in your campaigns so you don’t have to do everything manually. Using clever algorithms, the tool will continually assess the effectiveness of your campaigns and fluctuate bids in order to reduce the cost per click of your ads.

Why invest in a tool like this? In the long term, your dollar will go further. It will also help you to get ads in front of your target market more effectively than the competition. What’s more, your own team will have more time to focus on the tasks that really matter. When it comes to online bidding in marketing, nothing can compete with a good bid management tool.

Hopefully we’ve convinced you that bid management tools are worthwhile. If not, there’s still time to look at those that capture the imagination of the industry. Without further ado, let’s have a look!

1. DoubleClick

Firstly, we have DoubleClick, which is popular across the globe. Acquired by Google in 2017, it forms part of the Google Marketing Platform. An obvious benefit of choosing this solution? You have the might of Google behind you. If something happens to go wrong or you need help, you can be certain that Google will provide you with answers.

Top 10 Bid Management Tools (5)

As a marketing platform, it’s a brilliant option that’s widely recommended. DoubleClick not only helps with bidding, it also brings together the advertising and analytics aspects of your marketing strategy. With real-time insights and recommendations, it won’t be long before you see a veritable return on marketing investment.

2. Kenshoo

Here’s another service that has features beyond the valuable bidding offerings. As far as bidding features go, Kenshoo’s computerized budget management makes sure you will never overspend on ads. With bidding, there’s a delicate balance between overspending and wasting the budget, and underspending disallowing your ability to remain competitive. Kenshoo can help.

As a full digital advertising solution, they use location to target customers, share detailed real-time reports, and leverage various algorithms to improve keyword targeting. You can request a demo to get started today.

Top 10 Bid Management Tools (6)

3. Outbrain

Outbrain operates in 50 countries and has partnerships with a variety of brands and publishers. Although there are many features that pique the interest of users, it’s the real-time bidding that often gets the most attention. Overall, they reach out to over 550 million people with 200 billion recommendations.

4. Acquisio

With Acquisio, you have a tool to track and manage all of your ad campaigns. Regardless of which search engine you use, you can boost campaign performance and ensure that you’re getting the results you want without overpaying. When we tested Acquisio, there were a few features that stood out to us: keyword search, cross-channel reporting, bulk importing and editing, and campaign creation tools. When you add in bidding management, even beginners will be able to improve their campaigns with little trouble.

5. OpenX

Judging by the statistics on their homepage, OpenX reaches out to nearly 250 million consumers per month and works with 30,000 advertisers and 500 supply partners. There are two options with this service, depending on whether you’re a marketer or a publisher. As soon as you visit the website, you will notice an emphasis on ‘people-based marketing’. They make a point to prioritize both you as the user, and the audience as the recipients of the ads.

6. Marin

The next producer of campaign management tools is Marin. With its bid management features, Marin will post ad campaigns onto your chosen search engines and social media platforms. From the moment you start working with Marin, you will have online accounts that are simple to use, and easier to navigate.

While bidding is the feature we’re focused on throughout this guide, we’d be remiss to breeze past Marin’s wealth of other useful features. For example, it can automatically evaluate keywords in order to boost not only the performance of ads, but visibility too. The dashboards allow you to make adjustments so that you’re always seeing data and information relevant to your goals. Finally, we love the charts and presentations that come with the analytics and reports section. If online bidding is covered by a whole team of people, these reports allow for a universal understanding of performance and progress.

Top 10 Bid Management Tools (7)

7. SmartyAds

When it comes to real-time bidding platforms, SmartyAds may win for most innovative. It knows two of your leading concerns: you want to spend the right amount of money, and you want all ads to be relevant on Google’s SERP. With SmartyAds, you have an opportunity to achieve exactly this. Once SmartyAds is up and running, you can enjoy budget optimization, all while saving valuable time.

8. Clickable

Clickable is now owned by Syncapse, but their high-quality management tools remain the same. You’ll find that Clickable will have no trouble guiding you along the journey to increased revenue and visibility. Since the platform is integrated with social and search advertising, you can play around with bidding and find the right strategy that works for you. Similarly to the tools above, Clickable also offers competitive measurements and analytics. Some of the most valuable aspects of this service are the simplicity of the platform and interface.

Top 10 Bid Management Tools (8)

By customizing your dashboard, you can view real-time data that’s specifically important to you. What’s more, the ActEngine feature will optimize bids and adjust the allocation of your budget depending on which ads are performing best. For example, if an ad has a high conversion rate, it will put more of your budget into this campaign while limiting those that aren’t generating results.

Read More: Google and Facebook Manual vs Automated Bid Optimization: Which is Better?

9. ClickEquations

As our penultimate suggestion, we recommend ClickEquations. Thanks to the automated bid management tools and other solutions, this service is the self-proclaimed ‘first intelligent paid search solution’. Whenever a campaign is underperforming, the user will get an alert based on insights that the tool has gathered.

The highest-impact keywords are separated, which gives marketers the opportunity to continually improve campaigns and results. With revenue attribution and advanced metrics, it’s easy to identify the source of ROI. Rather than wasting money, marketers can assess all campaign performances and examine where changes are needed.

Top 10 Bid Management Tools (9)

10. Imonomy

Lastly, Imonomy is a platform that focuses on the images of an ad campaign. Every website has areas of high engagement, and Imonomy allows us to monetize them. Real-time analysis gives us the opportunity to optimize every impression’s value. To make sure all inventory is seen, the platform uses Dynamic Viewability Optimization. A single algorithm analyzes data and makes contextual and behavioral analyses before making improvements and suggesting changes.

We’ve laid out ten amazing bidding management tools above, but how do you differentiate and select one for your business? We recommend comparing your needs with the features of each service. Most are able to find a service that offers everything they need, which beats randomly choosing a service and making undue sacrifices.

Top 10 Bid Management Tools (10)

If you opt for a free trial and don’t like the tool, cancel the trial and try another platform. As long as you let your team play with the tools and encourage feedback, you will find the one that optimizes your campaigns in a way that aligns with your business.

Top 10 Bid Management Tools (2024)


Top 10 Bid Management Tools? ›

A 2018 survey of APMP UK members found that 88% of bid and tender professionals felt under stress or had mental health struggles, compared to 59% in the general workplace.

How do you win a bid on a job? ›

Tips to Win Your Bid Without the Lowest Estimate
  1. Be the first to submit your estimate. Beat the clock and your competition. ...
  2. Prepare professional documents. First impressions matter. ...
  3. Gain customer trust with detailed estimates. Transparency is key. ...
  4. Sell yourself and your work. Numbers speak volumes.

Is bid management stressful? ›

A 2018 survey of APMP UK members found that 88% of bid and tender professionals felt under stress or had mental health struggles, compared to 59% in the general workplace.

What are the skills of a bid manager? ›

Ability to implement budgetary and cost-control measures with solid negotiation and persuasive skills. Attention to detail and high accuracy in bid preparation and review. Familiarity with government procurement processes and industry-specific bid requirements (if applicable).

How can I improve my bid quality? ›

In this article we discuss a few top tips to help improve your bids.
  1. Split Each Question Out. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when first presented with the document suite for a new tender. ...
  2. Strip Each Question Down. ...
  3. Benefits Before Features. ...
  4. Review Early. ...
  5. Stay Consistent. ...
  6. Ghost the Competition. ...
  7. Don't Assume. ...
  8. Copy & Pasting.

What are the goals of a bid manager? ›

Manage the bid budget and monitor and report on overall performance against KPIs. Ensure timescales are achieved at each step of the bid process, including all internal governance, while taking the initiative in setting realistic deadlines. Ensure on-time submission of compliant and commercially sound bids.

How do you answer bid questions? ›

You must focus your response on the question in hand. It then looks at using the evaluation criteria. It also looks at the need to show added value, innovation, how you stand out from the competition and using alternative bids (if appropriate). For public sector tenders, you often need to demonstrate social value too.

How do you bid smartly? ›

You should set a maximum bid that is within your budget, but also high enough to have a good chance of winning the item. You should not set a maximum bid that is too low, as you may be outbid easily, or too high, as you may end up paying more than necessary.

What are the 5 steps in the process of bidding? ›

The five critical steps of the bidding process
  • Bid Solicitation.
  • Bid Submission.
  • Bid Selection.
  • Contract Formation.
  • Project Delivery.
Mar 11, 2021

What is the highest salary of a bid manager? ›

Highest salary that a BID Manager can earn is ₹24.0 Lakhs per year (₹2.0L per month).

How much do bid managers make in the US? ›

Bid Manager Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$118,500$57
75th Percentile$107,000$51
25th Percentile$35,000$17

Is bid manager a good role? ›

Some people believe that there is a lack of value granted to employees in the bids function. Whatever the reasoning, there's no denying that bids roles are a crucial part of a professional services firm and are always in high demand, so it's definitely a career worth considering.

How to be a good Bid Manager? ›

A bid manager must have excellent leadership skills to motivate and guide the team while developing successful bids. Communication skills are also a must to explain complex questions, create trust among team members, and work towards a common goal. Negotiating is a vital part of the bid manager's responsibilities.

What are 4 skills a manager should have? ›

Interpersonal skills: learning and growth, teamwork, establishing trust, and cognitive agility. Problem-solving and decision-making skills: financial planning, business acumen, and customer focus. Team management and professional development skills: influence, motivation, communication, team building, and coaching.

What makes a good bid team? ›

The bid team should include all the skills and knowledge required to professionally respond to your client's requirements. This could be just one person in an SME or in larger organisations, bid teams may have over 100 people involved.

How do I get better at bidding? ›

place ONE bid, the absolute MOST you are willing to spend on the item, add a few odd cents to your bid. (such as $5.83 or $6.72) and bid that amount as late as possible in the auction. If you are outbid, it just means someone else was willing to spend more than you. Highest bid wins.

How do you manage bidding? ›

Bid management: a step-by-step guide
  1. Identify the right opportunities.
  2. Review the tender documents.
  3. Plan for success.
  4. Devise your win strategy.
  5. Create project and response plans (with free templates)
  6. Get the best from your SMEs.
  7. Review and edit responses.
  8. Submit with time to spare.

What is the career path of a bid manager? ›

Bid Manager career paths

Bid managers can pursue various career paths, including program management, business development, and project management. They can advance to roles like senior business development manager or director project management office, where they can utilize their skills in managing proposals and bids.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.