Ignoring Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder: Beware! - BPD AID (2024)

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Ignoring Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder: Beware! - BPD AID (1)

Hello I'm Dr. George Keen PhD Holder in Mental Health care from Johns Hopkins University. Currently working as a university lecturer and writing this blog about borderline personality disordered for the people out there who need some help to understand themselves.

Ignoring Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder: Beware! - BPD AID (2)

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  • Ignoring Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder: Beware! - August 5, 2022

A borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that can cause significant relationship problems. People with borderline personality disorder often feel abandoned and neglected and may react angrily or impulsively when they feel ignored. If you have a loved one with borderline personality disorder, it is important to be aware of the dangers of ignoring them.

When people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are angry, they tend to act out their anger by either yelling or screaming at their loved ones. They also sometimes lash out physically, such as hitting or kicking others.

These behaviors are often misconstrued as signs of affection or love, but they are actually just another example of BPD’s impulsive behavior. The person with BPD does not mean any harm; they simply don’t know how to express themselves appropriately. This lack of communication leads to misunderstandings and fights between the two parties.

If you’re in a relationship with someone with a borderline personality disorder, you might get frustrated with your partner’s mood swings. You might even start to ignore them because you feel like they’re always being difficult to live with.

But if you continue ignoring or pushing away your BPD loved one, they will only worsen. You should try to understand what exactly is causing their erratic behavior so that you can better communicate with them.

Table of Contents

Ignoring Someone With BPD

Many people with borderline personality disorder suffer from depression. When someone is depressed, they lose interest in things that once brought them joy, including social interactions. Someone with BPD might become isolated after experiencing severe emotional trauma. Or, they might experience extreme anxiety over everyday situations, which makes them feel overwhelmed. They could also have trouble sleeping, resulting in frequent nightmares.

These symptoms make it hard for them to function normally in daily life. And when they are feeling down, they might lash out at those closest to them. For instance, they might tell their friends or family members that they hate them or withdraw from them completely. To cope with this behavior, most people with BPD avoid interacting with others.

It’s normal to feel hurt and rejected by someone who behaves this way. But if you ignore or distance yourself from someone with BPD, you will likely see more of this same behavior. It’s not healthy to isolate yourself from friends and family, especially if you want to maintain a good relationship with them. Instead of avoiding the person, try to talk about what is bothering them and give them space. Try to understand why they behave the way they do and then work together to solve the problem.

How To Deal With A BPD Loved One.

People with borderline personality disorder can be very unpredictable — they might change their minds frequently or suddenly decide to do something without warning. Because of this, it can be challenging to plan and organize events.

You might want to consider inviting a friend or two to help plan your next event so that you won’t have to worry about whether your loved one will have anything to say about it. Another option would be to ask them to join you at events to enjoy the celebration together.

Even though people with BPD are unpredictable, they need to be included in your plans. You should never ignore them during these times. They will feel disrespected, and this could lead to more fighting. Instead, try to include them in your activities and treat them kindly. Let them know that you care about them and that you expect them to participate in your celebrations.

BPD Ignoring Texts: Why And What To Do?

If your partner with Borderline Personality Disorder is ignoring your texts, there could be any number of reasons why. It’s important to try to understand what might be causing this behavior before you take any action.

Some possible reasons for BPD ignoring texts include:

1. They’re not interested in talking to you right now.

2. They’re angry with you and are trying to punish you.

3. They’re overwhelmed and can’t handle another conversation.

4. They’re distracted and can’t focus on texting.

5. They’re afraid of getting close to you and are avoiding contact.

If your partner is ignoring your texts, you can best talk to them about it. Try to find out what’s happening and express how it’s making you feel. If they don’t want to talk to you, that’s a sign that there might be a bigger issue, and it might be time to seek professional help.

Why BPD Texting Too Much?

BPD GF Ignoring Me: What To Do?

It’s never easy to deal with being ignored by someone you care about. But if your BPD girlfriend is giving you the silent treatment, there are some things you can do to improve the situation.

First, it’s important to understand why your girlfriend may be ignoring you. It could be that she feels overwhelmed by her own emotions and needs time to herself. Or, she may be upset with you about something and is trying to communicate her feelings through her actions.

Whatever the reason, respecting your girlfriend’s need for space is important. If she’s asked for some time alone, try not to take it personally. Instead, use the time to focus on your own needs.

If you’re feeling hurt and rejected, expressing those feelings to your girlfriend when she’s ready to listen is okay. But try to avoid being confrontational or demanding. Instead, focus on communicating your own feelings and needs in a calm and understanding way.

Talking to a therapist or counselor about your relationship may also be helpful. They can provide you with support and guidance on how to deal with your girlfriend’s BPD.

If you’re unsure what to do, remember it’s okay to ask for help. Many resources are available to help you deal with BPD in your relationship.

What To Do When A Borderline Ignores You?

A lot of people with BPD have difficulty expressing their feelings. They might not realize that they are hurting other people or deny that they are doing so. You might feel rejected, frustrated, angry, and confused in a BPD relationship. You might also feel guilty about pushing them away.

But there are ways to handle the situation. First, accept that it’s okay to feel whatever emotions you feel. Don’t try to suppress your feelings by acting happy and cheerful. Focus instead on finding ways to reduce your stress levels. Take time to breathe deeply, exercise regularly, and eat nutritious food.

Next, take a step back and analyze your own part in the conflict. Think about whether you’ve been making too many demands of your loved one. Maybe you’ve been demanding too much from them, or you’ve been talking too much or asking them to do tasks they aren’t capable of doing.

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your relationship, focus on the positive. Think about all the good moments you shared with each other, and think about what you can do to improve the quality of your relationship in the future.

Finally, remember that you are not responsible for fixing your loved one’s problems. Your job is to support them and to be understanding. Even if they are behaving badly, they still deserve your respect. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and don’t assume they are trying to hurt you.

If you want to learn more about borderline personality disorder, check out our guide to the different types of BPD and our article on coping strategies for dealing with BPD.

Should you ignore someone with BPD?

It depends on the situation. If the person is behaving in a way that is harmful or potentially harmful to themselves or others, it may be necessary to take some form of action, such as getting help from a professional. However, if the person is not displaying any concerning behavior, it may be best to simply ignore them.

Do borderlines regret the loss of a quality partner?

No, they often regret the decision to let that partner go. People who suffer from a borderline personality disorder (BPD) often have intense and unstable relationships. They may idealize their partners one minute and then devalue them the next. Their fear of abandonment leads them to do anything possible to keep their partners close, even sacrificing their own needs and well-being. So, when a borderline finally lets a quality partner go, they often regret it soon afterward.

Can borderlines handle rejection?

Some people with BPD can handle rejection well, while others may find it difficult to cope. Rejection of any kind can be a painful experience for someone with BPD, as it can trigger feelings of abandonment, emptiness, and loneliness. For people with BPD, it is important to have a support system to help them cope with these feelings.

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Ignoring Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder: Beware! - BPD AID (2024)


How do BPD react to being ignored? ›

A person with BPD is highly sensitive to abandonment and being alone, which brings about intense feelings of anger, fear, suicidal thoughts and self-harm, and very impulsive decisions. When something happens in a relationship that makes them feel abandoned, criticized, or rejected, their symptoms are expressed.

Should you ignore a person with BPD? ›

Don't ignore or panic. Families must weigh concern for safety against concern for privacy and must apply judgement to their individual situation about whether to call the therapist or an ambulance. People with BPD tend to have difficulty expressing their feelings through words and instead act on them destructively.

How to detach from someone with borderline personality disorder? ›

How to Navigate Relationships with People with BPD
  1. 1: Leave the abuser. ...
  2. 2: Do not try to endure your suffering alone. ...
  3. 3: Set boundaries. ...
  4. 4: Help address “emptiness.” Without becoming the therapist of the one with borderline symptoms, talk about the underlying feelings that so often throw him or her into darkness.
Jun 1, 2021

What happens when you ghost a BPD? ›

The ghost disappears from the relationship without any warning or explanation. This can leave the victim feeling confused, hurt, and betrayed. Ghosting is a form of emotional abuse, which can be excruciating for the victim. If you suspect that you or someone you know has BPD, it is essential to seek professional help.

How does a borderline react to no contact? ›

Along with high emotions - the borderline partner's fear of abandonment may be triggered and they may try harder to hold onto the relationship - or possibly they won't be able to cope and will seek retribution.

How do people with BPD react to abandonment? ›

They often feel empty inside. When people with this disorder feel that they are about to be abandoned, they typically become fearful and angry. For example, they may become panicky or furious when someone important to them is a few minutes late or cancels an engagement.

Why do people with BPD push you away? ›

If someone has a borderline personality, they will always push people away, in fear of getting hurt. This is extremely difficult and painful for the people around them, as the sufferer can seem cold and angry, attention seeking, or not wanting help.

Do people with BPD cut people off? ›

As a result, the fear of being abandoned often causes people with BPD to form unhealthy attachments, sometimes abruptly cutting off, as well as making frantic attempts to hold onto relationships. These overly intense or erratic behaviors, in turn, often push loved ones away.

Do borderlines know they hurt you? ›

Often, the borderline person is unaware of how they feel when their feelings surface, so they displace their feelings onto others as causing them. They may not realise that their feelings belong within them, so they think that their partner is responsible for hurting them and causing them to feel this way.

What is the average length of a BPD relationship? ›

Results found in a 2014 study found the average length of a BPD relationship between those who either married or living together as partners was 7.3 years. However, there are cases where couples can stay together for 20+ years.

What kind of trauma causes borderline personality disorder? ›

Stressful or traumatic life events

Often having felt afraid, upset, unsupported or invalidated. Family difficulties or instability, such as living with a parent or carer who experienced an addiction. Sexual, physical or emotional abuse or neglect. Losing a parent.

How do you respond to BPD silent treatment? ›

How to respond
  1. Name the situation. Acknowledge that someone is using the silent treatment. ...
  2. Use 'I' statements. ...
  3. Acknowledge the other person's feelings. ...
  4. Apologize for words or actions. ...
  5. Cool off and arrange a time to resolve the issue. ...
  6. Avoid unhelpful responses.
Jun 8, 2020

Can people with BPD isolate themselves? ›

Withdrawing from social situations or from other people can conflict with a strong desire for connection. A 2019 study found that those with BPD were at higher risk of self-isolation than those with other personality disorders. Emptiness is also a common symptom of BPD — and a common cause of loneliness.

Can a person with BPD revalue someone after devaluing them? ›

Yes absolutely. But not in all cases. If you're in a position of being devalued, initially you must have been in a position of being valued.

Does no contact hurt a borderline? ›

Does no contact hurt borderline? No contact is often perceived as abandonment. A person with BPD will likely feel hurt, betrayed, angry, sad, depressed…you name it. Look no further than the very first symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder according to the DSM: Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.

How do borderline people respond to criticism? ›

Borderline patients may become distraught at ordinary criticism, which they experience as a blow to self-esteem; may react with rage to a disappointment or minor slight; or may feel terror at a separation that they experience as virtual abandonment.

Does borderline personality lack empathy? ›

People with BPD score low on cognitive empathy but high on emotional empathy. This suggests that they do not easily understand other peoples' perspectives, but their own emotions are very sensitive. This is important because it could align BPD with other neurodiverse conditions.

What happens when you ignore a borderline? ›

People with borderline personality disorder often feel abandoned and neglected and may react angrily or impulsively when they feel ignored.

Are people with BPD revengeful? ›

Punishment and revenge are central to the manifestation of what Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is and means when it comes to relationships. The struggle of those with BPD relationally, is rooted in a proverbial no-win situation.

What do people with BPD fear? ›

With borderline personality disorder, you have an intense fear of abandonment or instability, and you may have difficulty tolerating being alone. Yet inappropriate anger, impulsiveness and frequent mood swings may push others away, even though you want to have loving and lasting relationships.

Should you give someone with BPD space? ›

Don't walk away and leave them, but do respect their need for space. And let them know that. “I understand you need your space right now, but I'll be over here if you need me.” Don't leave the room. Just walk to the other side of the room and be there while also giving them their space.

Are borderlines responsible for their actions? ›

But it's important to remember that you're not responsible for another person. The person with BPD is responsible for their own actions and behaviors.

Are borderlines needy? ›

People with BPD can act overly needy. If you take them out of their comfort zone, or when they feel “abandoned” they can become a burden.

How do you calm down a BPD rage? ›

Here are some tips on healthy ways to manage your anger with BPD.
  1. Count to 10. Hero Images / Getty Images. ...
  2. Notice Your Anger Earlier. Hero Images / Getty Images. ...
  3. Take a Break. Betsie Van Der Meer / Getty Images. ...
  4. Distract Yourself. ...
  5. Take Deep Breaths. ...
  6. Ground Yourself. ...
  7. Listen to Calming Music. ...
  8. Practice Letting Go.
Mar 17, 2021

Why do borderlines rage? ›

Intense and sometimes inappropriate rage is a characteristic of borderline personality disorder (BPD). An individual with this mental health condition has difficulty regulating their emotions or returning to their baseline, which can include frustration-induced anger and even rage blackouts.

Do people with BPD over react? ›

In addition to the preceding observations, empirical studies indicate that patients with BPD may over-react to negative stimuli as well as positive stimuli.

What is the push pull of BPD? ›

Push/Pull behaviors

Pulling someone into a close relationship and then pushing that person away repeatedly is one of the most well-known symptoms of BPD. It causes the person in question to be confused about where they stand in the relationship.

What is the devaluation stage of BPD? ›

What Does Idealization and Devaluation Look Like? A person with BPD may shift from great admiration for a loved one (idealization) to intense anger toward or dislike of that person (devaluation).

Can people with BPD turn off their emotions? ›

BPD individuals tend to regulate emotions by either shutting down (avoiding emotions) or escape (intense overreaction). Under the influence of intense (positive or negative) emotions, they are impulsive (unable to inhibit inappropriate behaviors). In other words, they are unable to inhibit mood-dependent actions.

Are people with BPD cruel? ›

Those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or those with BPD who may not even know they have it, are more likely than the general population to be verbally, emotionally/psychologically, physically abusive.

Do borderlines lie more? ›

People with BPD fear abandonment and have trouble maintaining relationships. Nevertheless, they tend to lie, which ruins trust and intimacy, fosters resentment, and harms the very relationships they fear losing. Many family members and friends of those with BPD cite lying as a major problem in their relationships.

Are borderlines deceitful? ›

People with BPD lie often, but it is not because they are pathological liars,” says Nikki Instone, Ph. D. “Lying is not a symptom of the disorder so much as a consequence of their internal battle.” Lying is really rooted in emotional dysregulation, which is one of the main symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder.

What is a BPD Favourite person? ›

A favorite person is the center of attention of an individual living with BPD. This means they consider this person as a trusted friend, confidant, and counselor all wrapped in one. Dr. Roberts notes that the person with BPD demonstrates an “anxious-preoccupied attachment style.”

What is the BPD friendship cycle? ›

The BPD friendship cycle starts with intense idealization but eventually moves to devaluation once the BPD person's fear of rejection and low self-esteem come into play. To maintain a friendship long-term, it's important to communicate, find support, and avoid getting sucked into the BPD drama.

What kind of upbringing causes BPD? ›

Environmental factors

being a victim of emotional, physical or sexual abuse. being exposed to long-term fear or distress as a child. being neglected by 1 or both parents. growing up with another family member who had a serious mental health condition, such as bipolar disorder or a drink or drug misuse problem.

What are the early childhood symptoms of borderline personality disorder? ›

In fact, content analysis of DSM criteria by Geiger & Crick (2001) found five childhood indicators of BPD: hostile or paranoid worldview; impulsivity; intense, unstable or inappropriate emotion; excessively close relationships; and lack of sense of self.

What part of the brain is damaged in BPD? ›

BPD has been linked to the amygdala and limbic systems of the brain, the centres that control emotion and, particularly, rage, fear and impulsive automatic reactions.

How a quiet BPD thinks? ›

Having quiet borderline personality disorder (BPD) — aka “high-functioning” BPD — means that you often direct thoughts and feelings inward rather than outward. As a result, you may experience the intense, turbulent thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize BPD, but you try to hide them from others.

What does the silent treatment do to someone? ›

In general, the silent treatment is a manipulation tactic that can leave important issues in a relationship unresolved. It also can leave the partner on the receiving end feeling worthless, unloved, hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, and unimportant.

How do you stop a quiet episode in BPD? ›

Helping Someone Cope With Quiet BPD
  1. Listen and be sympathetic. ...
  2. Ask questions. ...
  3. Validate their feelings. ...
  4. Help them practice self-soothing strategies. ...
  5. Set healthy boundaries. ...
  6. Consider making a family therapy appointment. ...
  7. Encourage them to use mindfulness techniques. ...
  8. Celebrate smaller wins.
Nov 8, 2022

Why do borderlines have no friends? ›

Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often has trouble maintaining friendships. They tend to search for emotional caregivers and have difficulty grasping the idea of friendship. In any sort of friendship, they have unreasonable expectations for attention, validation, and compassion.

Why are people with BPD abusive? ›

Often, the person with BPD will react towards loved ones as if they were the abusers from their past, and take out vengeance and anger towards them. When the person with BPD feels abandoned, they can become abusive or controlling as a way to defend against feelings of abandonment or feeling unworthy.

What happens when you ghost a borderline? ›

Ghosting is a common symptom of BPD. Ghosting occurs when someone abruptly cuts off all communication with another person without explanation. The ghost disappears from the relationship without any warning or explanation. This can leave the victim feeling confused, hurt, and betrayed.

Can borderlines handle rejection? ›

Borderline personality (BPD) is characterized by hostile behavior, negative affect, hypersensitivity to others, anger, worry, and fear of rejection or abandonment. These traits can make life difficult for people with BPD, causing them to react in ways that may be considered socially unacceptable.

How do people with BPD react to rejection? ›

Indeed, studies have shown that individuals with borderline personality features are predominantly sensitive to interpersonal rejection and tend to be extremely reactive, displaying impulsive and aggressive behaviors in daily situations in which they feel excluded, abandoned, or rejected (Ayduk et al., 1999, 2008; ...

Do borderlines give silent treatment? ›

Someone suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) may start giving you the silent treatment. Manipulation, difficulty controlling and regulating emotions, and the consequences of fear of abandonment are the most common causes of this behavior.

Do borderlines abandon people? ›

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of instability in relationships, self-image, moods, and behavior and hypersensitivity to possible rejection and abandonment. People with borderline personality disorder fear rejection and abandonment, partly because they do not want to be alone.

What happens when you set boundaries with a borderline? ›

Setting boundaries for your relationship is important for you and the person with BPD. However, you should not expect your limits to fix the relationship quickly. The person with BPD may feel like these boundaries are a form of rejection, which may cause them to lash out.

Do people with quiet BPD isolate themselves? ›

As with 'classic BPD', you have a deep fear of abandonment, but instead of fighting for attachment in the form of clinginess, in quiet BPD you believe you deserve to be abandoned. The self-loathing can drive you to isolate yourself for days and weeks.

How do you deal with a BPD outburst? ›

How do you calm someone with BPD rage? Ultimately, it is up to the other person to control their anger. If someone is experiencing BPD rage, stay calm, let them express their feelings, and give them some space. If necessary, leave the situation until they are able to calm down.

Why do borderlines isolate themselves? ›

Withdrawing from social situations or from other people can conflict with a strong desire for connection. A 2019 study found that those with BPD were at higher risk of self-isolation than those with other personality disorders. Emptiness is also a common symptom of BPD — and a common cause of loneliness.

Do people with BPD punish you? ›

Punishment and revenge are central to the manifestation of what Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is and means when it comes to relationships. The struggle of those with BPD relationally, is rooted in a proverbial no-win situation.

Do borderlines hold grudges? ›

What others perceive as a simple mistake to be brushed off, people with BPD might perceive as a serious wrongdoing. You might hold onto a grudge for days, or until the person has apologized sufficiently.

Do borderlines feel unloved? ›

Some of the key signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder are: A deep fear of being abandoned or unloved by those close to you. Difficulty in creating and maintaining a sense of self. You often feel empty, like there is nothing happening inside of you.

Do borderlines self destruct? ›

The deep-rooted feelings of low self-worth in a person who leans toward the self-destructive subtype make it less likely that they will seek treatment on their own. But borderline personality disorder is a treatable disease, and even if you have the self-destructive subtype, you are no exception.

Are borderline personality toxic? ›

Many people still believe that those living with it can be manipulative or dangerous due to their symptoms. While this can be the case in a very small minority of people, most people with BPD are just struggling with their sense of self and their relationships. It's important to note that we're not dangerous people.

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.